Issue - meetings


Meeting: 07/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 6)


Additional documents:


The Executive Board was advised that arising from the outbreak of Covid-19 the Welsh Government had placed a requirement on all Welsh local housing authorities whereby they must, regardless of a client’s previous history, temporarily accommodate and rehouse all single people presenting as homeless, including prison leavers. The Welsh Government recognised the requirement would place a significant pressure on local authority resources and had initially providing a £10m hardship fund to assist in meeting those pressures (that was due to end in July) with the Council having claimed approximately £80k per month from that fund. The Welsh Government had also indicated an additional £20m (mixture of revenue and capital) would be made available to local authorities with them being invited to submit bids to the fund to aid their recovery and to make transitional plans for tackling homelessness. That bid required the production of sustainable plans to improve the provision of temporary accommodation and support to enable homeless households to gain permanent accommodation


In accordance with the above requirement, the Executive Board considered the authority’s proposed Transitional Homelessness Plan that:


·       Outlined the impact of COVID-19 on homelessness provision, particularly in relation to single people;

·       Outlined plans to support and re-house homelessness people over the next 12 months and into the future and;

·       Informed a bid to the Welsh Government for funding to assist local authorities to make the plans and changes required.


Arising from the above the Executive Board was advised that a member of Staff at Ysgol Y Derwen had tested positive for Covid-19 and the Test, Trace and Protect protocols had been activated and were working well. The Head Teacher had written to all parents of children at the school advising it was working with the Local Authority on managing the position and reminding them of the symptoms of Covid-19, what to do should they suspect they had the symptoms including to self-isolate and to contact Llesiant Delta Wellbeing.


The Executive Board noted the systems and protocols in place were working  to protect the staff at the school.




That the way the Council had managed the demand on homelessness services as a result of Covid-19 be noted;


That the actions outlined in the report be approved and the transitional plan to inform the bid to the Welsh Government be confirmed.