Agenda item



The Committee received for consideration a report on proposals for the introduction of a ‘Choice Based Lettings’ process for Council Housing in Carmarthenshire whereby the Council would openly advertise vacant properties and invite people on the Housing Choice Register to bid for the tenancy of those properties, as opposed to the current policy of offering properties to prospective tenants . The new process, if adopted, was considered to be beneficial to both tenants and the Council in that it:


·       Was open and transparent in relation to vacancies;

·       Ensured applicants who expressed an interest in a particular property wanted the home rather than accepted it on the basis there was a penalty if they refused,

·       Was more likely the successful applicant would accept the property and stay longer (making for more sustainable tenancies and communities)

·       Provided the authority with real time planning data regarding the popularity/desirability of its homes, which should influence the asset management strategy and affordable homes commitment,

·       Reduced staff time spent identifying applicants,

·       Reduced property refusals

·       Complemented the Council’s ‘do it on-line’ programme.


The report also identified how the new service would be delivered, primarily on a digital basis via the Council’s on-line services whilst also making provision for the most vulnerable and others without digital services to access the system and submit bids for a property.


The Following questions/issues were raised on the report:-


·       It was confirmed that local members would receive a weekly list of available properties on a similar basis to the weekly planning lists they currently received.

·       In response to a question on how a property was to be allocated in light of multiple bids being received, the Housing Services Manager (Advice and Options), confirmed all allocations would be made in accordance with the Council’s Allocations Policy.

·       Reference was made to the statement in the report that 83% of households in Carmarthenshire had internet access. Clarification was sought on how the Council intended making the weekly vacancy lists available to the remaining 17%.


The Housing Services Manager referred the Committee to the written report which detailed a range of options being pursued including, advertising the list in the Councils libraries, customer service centres and other public buildings. The Council would also work with third sector organisations and local business to gauge their interest in helping to promote the available homes e.g. local shops and post offices. Homeless persons would have assistance via the Council’s Housing Advice Service. Additionally, the system would enable vulnerable persons, or those without internet access, to nominate someone to submit a bid on their behalf.

·       Whilst the proposals to be put in place to assist non internet users to bid for properties were welcomed, an assurance was sought on whether the Council would be able to continue to provide support to those people.


The Committee was assured that support was provided to prospective tenants seeking inclusion on the Housing Choice Register whereby a significant amount of pre-tenancy information was obtained on their ability to meet their obligations as council tenants.

·       Reference was made to the suggested 3-5 day time period for applicants to bid for a property and to whether that was too restrictive, given the fact people did not always access the internet daily.


The Head of Housing and Public Protection advised that a longer time period would result in a longer void period. One of the advantages of the proposed new system was that it was considered tenants who applied for a property did so on the basis they liked the house and its locality thereby potentially living in the property longer and achieving a long term reduction in the number of void properties.

·       The Head of Housing and Public Protection referred to comments expressed on the need to ensure the weekly availability lists were advertised as widely as possibly. He advised that should the Council endorse the proposal to move to a Choice Based Lettings Process, the next step in that process required the development of a communication plan detailing how those lists could be communicated/made available to prospective tenants.

·       Reference was made to one of the stated advantages of the proposed new system being that the Council would have real time planning data available on the popularity/desirability of its homes to influence its asset management strategy and affordable homes commitment. In circumstances whereby properties had been identified as being hard to let, a question was asked on the courses of action available for their future.


The Head of Housing and Public Protection advised if a property remained un-let for a period of six months an assessment would be made on its future which could include sale and the resultant income being utilised to invest in or build properties elsewhere.

·       It was confirmed that if the Council were to approve the new lettings process, it was projected to be introduced in April 2018, subject to the appropriate I.T. systems being fully tested and operational.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED THAT IT BE RECOMMENDED TO THE EXECUTIVE BOARD THAT the Council’s process for lettings homes be changed in favour of a ‘Choice Based Lettings’ approach.

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