Agenda item



The Executive Board considered a report setting out the reasoning behind, and practicalities of, establishing a wholly owned Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) for Careline known as ‘Llesiant Delta Wellbeing Ltd’ which would have the ability to access far wider markets and income streams than the current Careline service was able to do. The recommendation in the report would be subject to Council approval.


In response to a question it was agreed that the report be amended prior to submission to Council in order to provide greater clarity on the issue of the proposed company being Teckal Compliant.


In accordance with CPR 11.1, Councillor D.M. Cundy asked whether the opportunity could be taken, in creating this new company,  to change the way that  Adult Care was addressed by giving the Social Care Sector Operatives a career structure based on a mix of experience, on-going educational training, examinations and expertise gained through “on the job experiences” so that young people, and the more mature,  could have a valid, worthwhile, well paid and progressive career in the Adult Care Sector whether it was in the Authority’s Care Homes, Home Care or linked to NHS provision with its further opportunities?.


Councillor J. Tremlett, Executive Board Member for Social Care and Health, responded as follows:


Thank you, Cllr Cundy, for your question. The short answer is, of course, yes.  There is a reform of qualifications in health and social care in Wales following a review. Up to 20 new qualifications will replace existing ones. The new qualifications will be taught from September 2019, with the first certificates awarded in 2020. The awarding body is a consortium of City & Guilds and Welsh Joint Education Committee, WJEC who will work with Qualifications Wales, Social Care Wales, NHS Wales, teachers, trainers and assessors to design and deliver these new qualifications. The sector includes many different careers for carers, not just in residential homes for adults, but in hospitals, child care, home care, mental ill health and physical disabilities. These qualifications will be taught to learners aged 14 and upwards across Wales from Level 1 to 5.  They will feature in apprentice frameworks as well. The development and support of our social care workforce is essential and is the focus of significant activity in the department to enable us to respond to a national challenge of less people than we need going into this area of work and increasing numbers choosing to leave as pay in competing, possibly less demanding roles such as retail, catches up.  At present we do better than most to recruit and retain this crucial workforce but there is still much to be done. Firstly, we intend to build a better and more clearly identifiable career structure for carers where it becomes a career of choice with advancement opportunities and clear progression steps.  Much of this is in place but needs publicising and selling to people with an interest.  Over the next year we intend to deliver a publicity campaign to promote this in all sectors and dispel any myths that exist.  Much has been done to improve terms and conditions across the sector and now is the time to publicise it. Links with local colleges need to be built and careers advice improved so that able young people see this as a viable alternative to degree courses with professional progression routes to nursing and social work. I intend to bring this all together in an overarching strategy by the summer so that the factors that support this workforce –pay, support, training and career opportunities are clear and co-ordinated.’




8.1  that a Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) for Careline known as ‘Llesiant Delta Wellbeing’ be established to generate additional income for the Authority and safeguard the existing service;

8.2  that the Director of Community Services and Director of Corporate Services be given delegated authority to establish the LATC, its governance structures and develop a detailed business plan;

8.3  that the Company is incorporated as a limited company with the Council as the sole shareholder;

8.4  that the Company’s Business Plan is prepared and agreed by the Board of the Company and submitted for formal approval to the Executive Board of the Authority prior to its implementation; 




8.5  that the set up costs of the Company (on agreement by Executive Board to form company) be recovered by way of loan arrangements at a commercial rate of interest to be approved by Full Council, with the duration to be agreed within the detailed business plan. In the event that the Company is not established, then the costs of implementation will be met from reserves;

8.6  that agreement is sought from Full Council to guarantee the pension liabilities of staff employed by the Company. 



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