Agenda item



The Committee received a presentation on the Carmarthenshire Arts Strategy for the period 2018-2022 providing a framework for service development to support the County’s vision of being a place where exceptional arts experiences engaged and enthused communities, whilst also celebrating its unique and bilingual culture. In order to underpin that vision, the strategy identified the following four key objectives:-


-        Cultural wellbeing;

-        Physical and mental wellbeing;

-        Economic wellbeing through supporting creative and cultural organisations and;

-        Developing and sustaining an efficient and effective arts service (through improved income generation, innovative ways of working, collaboration and deepening public engagement).


The following questions/issues were raised on the presentation:-

·       In response to a question on the establishment of creative and social hubs, that related to the council’s facilities being used in a more focussed community approach by granting access to communities for a range of communal uses for example theatre productions, dance classes and venues for older people  to come together in a social gathering.

·       References were made to the proposed redevelopment proposals for Oriel Myrddin, to include 26-27 King Street, Carmarthen. It was confirmed that whilst the scheme had been estimated to cost in the region of £2.5m, Arts Council Funding in the sum of £1m could be available to assist with that cost. The Council had already contributed the sum of £250k thereto for the purchase of 26-27 King Street. The remaining £1.25m would have to be match funded by the council or via alternative income streams/grants.

·       Reference was made to the operation of the St Clears Craft Centre, which, between the 2014/15 and 2017/18 financial years, had seen an increase of expenditure from £74,498 to £110,747 whilst experiencing a 5,000 reduction in visitor numbers from 41,765 to 36,240.


The Principal Arts Officer advised that in relation to the 17/18 financial position, that increase could be attributed to a number of factors. It was the first year the centre had been fully staffed. Secondly, capital expenditure had been incurred in upgrading both the conference facilities and café equipment following the café’s operation being taken in house. In essence, it had been necessary for the authority to incur costs in the centre to facilitate its development. For 2018/19 efforts were being concentrated on controlling costs and increasing income.


With regard to the reduction in visitor numbers, strategies had been introduced with the aim of increasing those for example an emphasis on Arts and Health, food and friendship clubs and pottery classes together with alternative income streams.

·       In response to a question on taking the arts into schools, it was confirmed that Oriel Myrddin had recently appointed an Arts Education Officer with the aim, over the next few years, of proactively engaging with schools. The service also liaised closely with the Arts Council for Wales in that regard.

·       Reference was made to the strategy’s four key objectives and to whether consideration had been given to adopting a fifth to 'identify ambitions, talents and skills through our schools to further sustain our cultural strategic priorities’


It was confirmed that could be discussed with the Education Department as implementation of the strategy progressed.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that it be recommended to the Executive Board that the Strategy be adopted.

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