Agenda item



The Committee considered the Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report in relation to the Social Care and Health Service which provided an update on the latest budgetary position as at 31st October 2018, in respect of the 2018-19 financial year.


The Social Care and Health Service was projecting an overspend of £889K on the revenue budget and a net variance of +£2 against the 2018/19 approved budget.  The variance will be incorporated into future year’s budgets.


The following questions / observations were raised on the report:-


·         Raised concerns about the -£140K variance detailed in Appendix B – Older People – LA Home Care. The appendix notes that the savings was due to vacancies and concerns were raised regarding the pressure this places on existing staff.


Advised that this is due to a combination of timing delay and grant funding impacting recruitment. Recruitment is actively being undertaken for in-house domiciliary care however recruitment of specialist staff is problematic but the workforce development plan should address this. 


·         Asked why in Appendix C there is £889k forecasted variance for October 2018 however this figure was £746 for August 2018.


Advised that this was due to ‘in year notifications’ of funding not being included in the figures yet.


·         Asked what system is in place to make a career path in health more attractive to school leavers.


Advised that one of the objectives of the workforce development plan is to make the sector more attractive to school leavers. It was suggested that Rebecca Jones would be able to report to the Committee on the work that is being done by the Partnership.


·         Asked what had caused the variance between October 2018 forecast of £120K and £21K August 2018 in Mental Health – Group Homes/Supported Living (appendix B).


Advised that this was due to fluctuations for client group needs which is difficult to forecast. Supported living is one area that has contributed to this.  Group Accountant agreed to raise this with the Head of Service who would address the concerns with the Committee.


·         Asked about the on-going vacancies (Appendix D) within the Occupational Therapy service and how this was being addressed.  Stated that the service requires a more streamlined approach. An example is that if a patient is hospitalised for 2 weeks or more then the occupational therapy package is lost and has to be re-applied for.  It was asked that the Head of Service address the Committee regarding this issue.


Acknowledged that there were still issues but work was being undertaken to address. Group Accountant agreed to raise with the Head of Service who would be address the concerns at the next committee.


·         Raised concerns that Blas Myrddin was closed especially as the facility was used as a training venue for people with learning disabilities.  This had been followed by the closure of the on-site catering services at Cartref Cynes and Ty Dyffryn.  Chair stated that the Committee should have been provided with details of the closure prior to the information appearing in the press.


Resolved that the report be received.

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