Agenda item



[NOTE:  Councillors G. Jones and E. Schiavone had earlier declared an interest in this item.]


The Committee received the School Performance and Achievement Report for 2017/18. Members were asked to note the content of the report and the key issues arising from analysis of quantitative and qualitative data in relation to the performance of schools during the academic year 2017/18. The Head of Education Services gave a verbal overview of the report and in particular drew members’ attention to the following items:

  • Summary of teacher assessments and examination results for pupils in the Foundation Phase, Key Stages 2, 3, 4 and 5.
  • School Improvements Outcomes
  • Developing Values for Skills for Lifelong Learning


The following questions/observations were raised on the report:


  • Members asked for further information about pupils who have additional private tuition outside school and whether this was monitored, with particular concerns raised in relation to additional tuition being undertaken to cover the shortfall in a particular subject or school. Concerns were also raised in relation to the inequality and deprivation agenda in relation to this matter. The Head of Education Services advised that it would be difficult to attempt to manage and control this area, however, it may be possible to look into a way of monitoring the issue.


  • Members asked for further information on the Carmarthenshire Independent School-based Counselling Service, which is stated in the report as a professionally accredited independent school-based counselling service available to young people from year 6 to age 18. The Head of Curriculum & Wellbeing advised that there is a great need for this service, which is currently provided, typically in secondary schools, three days a week. An anonymised report is provided to headteachers in order to gain an overview of issues and concerns.


  • Concerns were raised with regards to the Foundation Phase Indicator and Area of Learning Outcomes (1.1.1 Page 31), which shows that we remain under the Wales average in our FPI performance – showing a decline of 4.7%. The Head of Education Services advised that the areas in question were not assessed in the same way across the country, although some work was being done to resolve this.


  • Members sought clarification in relation to item 1.2 in the report (Attendance – Primary School Performance) and raised concerns regarding the below-target performance over the past three years. The Head of Education Services advised that further analysis of the figures showed that health and holidays (authorised and unauthorised) were the main reasons for absence. He advised that if the Education Welfare Service or a school had specific concerns regarding a pupil’s attendance necessary steps would be taken to work with the parents involved.


  • Members were encouraged by the significant increase in the number of graduates of the NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship) Programme and asked for further information on the number of graduates who were now in post or awaiting appointment. Furthermore, in response to a further query in relation to the opportunities available for mentoring graduates of the programme, the Head of Education Services advised that there were opportunities for individuals to be released for mentoring, but that costs were associated with this. It was acknowledged that this would be an area which would that warrant further consideration.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the School Performance and Achievement Report 2017/18 be received.


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