Agenda item



The Committee received a report which provided an update on the work and activity undertaken by the Environmental Enforcement Unit the report included the Carmarthenshire’s General Enforcement Policy and planned work programme 2019.


The report apprised members with information on the following aspects:-


·         Introduction and Background

·         Offences dealt with:-

      Dog fouling


      Fly tipping

      Duty of Care

      Graffiti and Fly posting

      Abandoned Vehicles

      Highway Offences

·         Current Situation

·         Successes

·         Future


It was reported that in accordance with the current statutory requirements, Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) require to be renewed every 3 years.  As Carmarthenshire implemented PSPO’s in 2016 a renewal would be required later prior to July this year.  In readiness for the renewal, the Committee noted that a consultation was currently ongoing and that outcomes of the consultation would be reported to the Committee at its meeting in May 2019.


The following questions/issues were raised on the report:-


  • Reference was made to the number of dog fouling complaints.  It was commented that as dog fouling was a significant problem it was surprising to note that only 396 complaints had been received in relation to dog fouling.  The Environmental Enforcement Manager explained that often members of the public were reluctant to raise an official complaint due to the intelligence necessary to enable a successful prosecution which in turn deters the reporting of fouling offences.  However, it was emphasised that complainants could remain anonymous by providing information such as the location of regular re-occurrences including days and times in order for resources to be directed accordingly possibly leading to a prosecution.


It was asked if it was possible to increase the publicity that dog fouling was an offence.  The Environmental Enforcement Manager stated that the press and social media platforms were utilised as much as possible.  Examples of recent campaigns were explained to the Committee.


It was commented that Llanboidy Community Council had developed a flyer/poster to raise awareness the dog fouling was an offence and how to report offenders.  The Environmental Enforcement Manager commended this and any form of initiative to eradicate from a preventative point of view.  As an example of best practice, the Committee wished to ask Llanboidy Community Council if a copy could be forwarded to the Committee and Officers.


  • The Environmental Enforcement Manager, in response to a query raised in relation to the current amount of the current fixed penalty and if it was enough of a deterrent.  The Environmental Enforcement Manager explained that the fixed penalty of £100 was restricted by law and that the Authority did not have any powers to increase the amount.


Furthermore, the Environmental Enforcement Manager reported that following agreement with the Police, he had recently completed training Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) throughout the County which enabled them to act as Enforcement Officers on the Authority’s behalf.


  • In response to a query raised regarding vehicles for sale on the roadside, the Environmental Enforcement Manager stated that it whilst it was not an offence to sell a vehicle at the roadside it is illegal for one person to sell two cars or more on the same stretch of road i.e. within 500m of each other.  This legislation was aimed to eliminate roadside car dealers.


  • It was commented that the litter surrounding fast food outlets was an increasing problem.  The Head of Waste and Environmental Services explained that the Waste Department were currently working closely with fast food outlets throughout the County which included discussions regarding the provision of litter bins.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the Environmental Enforcement Activity Update report be received.


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