Agenda item



The Joint Committee received the updated financial position for the 2019/20 financial year up to the period 31st December, 2019 and noted that work was ongoing to complete the report to the year end. It was noted that the report provided specific detailed information in relation to:


·       2019-120 Central TeamBudget

·       Service Level Agreements

·       2019-20 Grant Allocations

·       2019-20 Grants, (incorporating a breakdown in Appendix A of the funding for the new ERW Staffing Structure (grant and core funding)

·       Risks

·       Reserves


The Joint Committee’s attention was drawn to page 3 of the report referring to the additional £59k incurred in redundancy costs as a result of continuous service having been omitted from the original £19k calculation, approved on the 9th December 2019, thereby increasing the overall cost to £78k.  It was reported that whilst the additional cost had not been included within the Central Team projected outcome for 2019-20 and could not be funded from the grant due to its specific terms and conditions, at outturn it had been funded and would now be met from reserves.


The Joint Committee’s attention was also drawn to the Development of ERW’s six strategic (321) groups and the virement of £32.5m thereto that required its endorsement.




The updated ERW financial position as at the end of Quarter 3 2019-20 financial year and the draft outturn position for 2019-20 be noted


The Virement of funding to the six strategic (321) groups be approved


To note that the additional £59k incurred in statutory costs as a result of continuous service of the Lead for Secondary Support post, at outturn had been funded and would not now be met from reserves


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