Agenda item



[NOTE: Cllr. K. Lloyd had earlier declared an interest in this item].


The Committee considered the Revenue Budget Strategy 2021/22 to 2023/24 which had been considered by the Executive Board at its meeting on the 18th January, 2021.  It was also noted that members of the Committee had recently attended consultation events on the budget which had provided them with an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on various aspects of the budget.


The report provided Members with the current view of the Revenue Budget for 2021/22 together with indicative figures for the 2023/24 financial years.


The Committee considered the following detailed budget information appended to the Strategy relevant to its remit.


·         Appendix A – Corporate Budget Strategy 2021/22 to 2023/24

·         Appendix A(i) – Efficiency summary for the Social Care & Health Service

·         Appendix A(ii) – Growth Pressures summary for the Social Care & Health Service

·         Appendix B – Budget monitoring report for the Social Care & Health Service

·         Appendix C – Charging Digest for the Social Care & Health Service


The Head of Financial Services provided an overview of the report.  He stated that the increase in the provisional settlement was 3.8% and that the Aggregate External Finance (AEF) increased to £284.820 million in 2021/22. This included £244k in respect of Teachers pay.


The social care workforce grant had been increased from £40m to £50 million across Wales.  The increase was estimated at £600k for Carmarthenshire.


The Committee was advised that the minister’s letter which accompanied the provisional settlement stated that Local Authorities should meet any future pay awards from their budgets.  It was also stated that while £500K had been set aside in the budget specifically for Mental Health services, it would be difficult to predict the demand.


Due to delays with settlement figures publication of the final settlement would not be until the 2nd March.


The following questions/issues were raised on the report:


·         Due to concerns regarding Mental Health, it was asked if any planning had taken place for post Covid and had discussions been had with other statutory services and the third sector.  The Head of Integrated Services advised that the community mental health teams were fully integrated and that throughout the pandemic a clear working infrastructure had been established.  Specific working groups were in place looking at the way forward and would inform changes to commissioning services ensuring that the level of needs could be met.  It was stated that the transformation in mental health programmes had not stopped but there was recognition that requirements were different due to the pandemic.

·         It was asked what impact Brexit would have on the Council.  The Head of Financial Services advised that it was too early to quantify but that there would be an impact on free movement of goods and potential further increase in inflationary levels.





The 2021/22 – 2023/24 Revenue Budget Strategy Consultation be received;


The Charging Digest for the Social Care & Health Service, as detailed in Appendix C to the report, be endorsed.


Supporting documents: