Agenda item



(Note: Cllr J Gilasbey had earlier declared an interest in this item and had been granted dispensation by the Standards Committee to speak only in respect of that interest)


The Committee considered the report presented by the Executive Board Member for Resources on the Council’s Revenue Budget Strategy 2021/22 to 2023/24, as endorsed by the Executive Board for consultation purposes at its meeting held on the 18th January 2020.  The report provided Members with the current view of the Revenue Budget for 2021/2022 together with indicative figures for the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 financial years based on officers’ projections of spending requirements and takes account of the provisional settlement issued by Welsh Government on the 22nd December 2020. It also reflected current departmental submissions for savings proposals after taking account of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the delivery of those savings.


The Executive Board Member advised that whilst the announced provisional settlement represented an average increase of 4.0% across Wales on the 2020/21 settlement, Carmarthenshire’s increase had been 3.8% (£10.466m) thereby taking the Aggregate External Finance to £284.820m for 2021/22 which included £244k for teachers pay.


Whilst the budget proposals assumed the full delivery of all savings proposals, together with the identification and delivery of the shortfall in savings proposals for the 2022/23, and 2023/24 financial years, further cost reductions would need to be identified for those latter years to be able to maintain the current Budget Strategy and level of Council tax. 


Although the Strategy proposed a 4.89% Council Tax increase for each of the three financial years, the Executive Board had recommended the increase for 2021/22 be reduced to 4.48%, which would be considered by the Council in setting the Council Tax level for 2021/22 at its meeting on the 3rd March 2021. Additionally, the Welsh Government final settlement figure was to be announced on the 2nd March 2021 and any amendments required to be considered to the budget strategy from that announcement would also be considered by Council on the 3rd March


The Committee thereupon considered the following detailed budget information appended to the Strategy relevant to its remit:


·       Appendix A(i) – Efficiency summary for the Regeneration, Leisure, Planning and Non HRA Housing Services;

·       Appendix A(ii) – Growth Pressures summary for the Regeneration and Planning Services (none for the Leisure and Non HRA Services;

·       Appendix B – Budget monitoring report for the Regeneration, Leisure, Planning and Non HRA Housing Services;

·       Appendix C – Charging Digest for the Regeneration, Leisure, Planning and Non HRA Housing Services;


The following questions/issues were raised on the report:-


·       The Executive Board Member in response to a question on the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the collection of Council tax, advised that the Council had taken measures in that regard by extending the payment period over 12 months to the end of the 2020/21 financial year, instead of the usual 10 month payment period. The Welsh Government had also announced a 75% grant would be made available to local government in Wales to assist with any shortfall in council tax collection rates arising from the pandemic

·       In response to a question on the sufficiency of the £300k pa budget provision for addressing the implications of Ash Die Back disease on council owned land, the Head of Planning confirmed the level to be sufficient to meet the council’s requirements but that would be reviewed as time progressed. With regard to infected trees on private owned land, the Council was working with landowners to inform them of their responsibilities and to provide guidance where needed. The Council also had a contingency fund to undertake works in default where necessary, on a rechargeable basis.

·       With regard to a question on the impact of the covid pandemic on the economy of Carmarthenshire and the level of job losses, the Head of Regeneration advised that whilst some job losses had occurred, the Government’s furlough scheme had helped support employment and abate that level to date. However, it was anticipated further job losses would occur over the next few months. The Council anticipated up to 3,000 jobs could be lost within Carmarthenshire and it had adopted an action plan to help regenerate the economy by various means that included its capital programme and procurement policy which could help create approximately 2,000 jobs. It was anticipated an additional 1,000 jobs could also be created in conjunction with the Council’s partners in the public and private sectors.




The 2021/22 – 2023/24 Revenue Budget Strategy Consultation be received.


The Charging Digests for the Regeneration, Leisure, Planning and Non HRA Services, as detailed in Appendix C to the report, be endorsed.



Supporting documents: