Agenda item



The Committee considered a report on the progress of Carmarthenshire’s ALN Transformation Action Plan and the review of ALN Formula Funding which outlines how the local authority is supporting schools with their planning in the implementation of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act (ALNET).


ALN system is the new statutory support system for children and young people aged 0 to 25 in Wales with ALN that is due to come into force in September 2021.


The Executive Board Member for Education & Children’s Services advised that the new statutory system will be introduced in September, 2021 noting its importance to all stakeholders involved in the ALN transformation that each school ensures that what is in place is appropriate for them and, more importantly, the learners within the school.  The New ALN Code will be implemented initially to Nursery, Years, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10.  The change gives more responsibility on schools and less on the Authority. 


The Head of Education and Inclusion Services advised that the ALNCO model was published in March, 2021.  He noted that the transformation isn’t new to the authority and have been working on the transformation since 2018; the service has expanded in ALN and in the Inclusion Department.  The ALN Managers have both been working alongside ERW with the 6 regional Local Authorities documenting the Principles and personalised planning to meet their needs with IDP.  The WG has given an overview for a detailed technical implementation guidance with 4 key commencement orders and training for ALNCO will be tailored to the individual.


The ALN Managers presented a report on developing an ALN provision mapping programme, decision making delivery model, universal provision and ALP in developing an electronic mapping tool for schools.  The Head of Education and Inclusion Services advised that Teacher Center has been commissioned to support IDP across schools, families, children and young people.  The ALN Managers advised that a handbook for reference for schools will be implemented in the future and that a multi agency programme is being developed for sharing with Health colleagues in Hywel Dda and delivering training across Social Care and the Education sector.


The ALN Managers advised that each child will need a review and that criteria is set by WG for the IDP and to note that there will no longer be an ALN register / no Statement Children as it will be disbanded.


Additional funding given to schools to release ALNCo to consider implementation.  Schools will receive the following funding supplements on the basis of FSM support, SEN register to be monitored and challenged, where statementing exceeds 1 x TA per pupil, LA will fully fund additional requirement and the intention that as Statements reduce, funding will transfer to the ALN supplement:-


ALN supplement

£1000 per LAC child / 25% FSM / 25% School Action / 50% School Action Plus


SEN supplement

100% supplement for those agreed upto October, 2019 / from October, 2019 – Primary:  50% for new Statements; Secondary 40% or 45% per statement


Elements requiring funding are School and Centrally held.  The expectations for schools to make decisions is between 7 and 12 weeks (statutory time scales).


The following questions/observations were raised on the report:-

  • If Carmarthenshire have made full use of the funding and is there enough going forward?  The Head of Education and Inclusion advised that as a service they’ve been fortunate in team growth and a large number of individual from school and that the budget in terms of professional learning received additional ALN grants at end of the financial year.  The ALN Manager advised that an additional Teacher of the Deaf has joined the team and there are 2 Local Authority Specialists in Parcyrhun, Ammanford and Canolfan Elfed in QE High School and that there are upto 20 deaf children who want to access deaf education.
  • Reference was made as to how levels of abilities are monitored in mainstream schools in relation to specialist units with more complex needs.  The Head of Education & Inclusion Services advised that there is a comprehensive evaluation ineach school enabling positive inclusion to share with inward inclusion into specialist settings.
  • Asked if it was part of the schools remit to educate parents or would it be from the County.  The Head of Education & Inclusion advised that as their still awaiting on technical information from WG we have to wait before any final publication is shared.
  • Asked if there is a back log in Tribunals due to Covid-19 and what is the timeframe for tribunals.  The ALN Manager advised that the tribunal service has continued virtually with tribunal appeals and has not stopped during Covid-19.
  • Reference was made to the 5% pupil funding to their ALN budget; the Head of Education and Inclusion advised that key consideration is all about good teaching for all pupils and knowing that all teachers know where their children are at.
  • Asked if the transition will be seamless to the digital platform for IDP as it has not been previously.  The Head of Education and Inclusion advised that the choice of platform i.e. Teacher Center is currently used within all schools and its an extension on the existing application.  Moving forward the Early Years Officer / Flying Start will look in detail before they are entered onto the system initially.
  • Reference was made to schools under 100 pupils which are under the central funding column and asked if the aim here is to share human resources.  The ALN Manager has approached other authorities and its to delegate as much money to schools as possible but there is not 1 authority that have decided what is done.  Best practise is more money given to schools to put in early intervention the easier it is to make the correct decisions and plan long term. 
  • There are 22 different formulas trying to achieve the same outcome.  The Head of Education and Inclusion advised that as Statements won’t be in existence we will be trying to give the resources on a flexible basis to schools so that the schools decide on the way forward.  Schools will ask for money to meet the needs of that child i.e. early intervention.  If it is thought that the schools cannot meet the needs of that pupil the County can decide and an IDP comes under the authority.  In England they’ve decided on a national model in relation to funding as part of the new organisation.  There are no discussions to this effect happening in Wales.
  • Asked if Council’s across Wales have put in a formal funding formula application to WG.  The Head of Education and Inclusion and the ALN Managers were not aware and it is felt strongly across the committee that it is necessary to write to the WG asking for clarity before new system is put in place in September, 2021 and possibly follow England’s pattern.  The Head of Education and Inclusion is to draft a letter on behalf of the Chair to seek clarity from the WG on using a similar approach to England on ALN funding.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the report be received.

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