Agenda item



The Committee considered a report which provided information on an application received to increase the current hackney carriage maximum table of fares.  The application proposed to restructure the current hackney carriage maximum table of fares as follows:-


1.    to increase the initial charge on the meter by £0.60p on Tariff 1, Tariff 2, and Tariff 3.


2.    to increase the Extra Charges for Vehicles carrying 5-8 passengers. For each passenger exceeding FOUR a charge of £1 for each passenger (For Passengers 5-8).  This is an increase of £0.75 per person.


3.    to increase the Contamination fee for fouling of the Vehicle to £60. This is an increase of £10.00.


4.    to increase the Booking Fee (Where journey commences more than 4 miles from operator’s base) to £5.00. This is an increase of £2.00 and also moves the journey distance from more than 5 miles to More than 4 miles.


5.    Double Tariff 1 on the meter shall apply on all hiring’s commencing on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.  This will remain and will be based on the tariff agreed for Tariff 1.


It was reported that the last tariff change took place in May 2011 and due to the increasing overheads incurred by the taxi trade, an application had been received to increase the current maximum table of fares in accordance with Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, Section 65 Hackney Carriage Maximum Table of Fares


The Senior Licensing Officer orated statistics and indicators relevant to the taxi trade since 2011 which included the increase in fuel costs, minimum wage, insurance premiums and more recently the increase in the cost of vehicles, parts, goods and services since Brexit and the Pandemic. In consideration of the information provided, it was reported that the overall situation showed a clear and obvious financial decline for the Carmarthenshire taxi trade which had been running at a loss since the last increase in 2011.


Members considered the current hackney carriage maximum table of fares and the proposed restructure as stated in the report.


Members were informed that 550 members of the taxi trade within Carmarthenshire had been consulted on the proposed hackney carriage maximum table of fares, a total of 80 responses were received of which 79 stated that they were happy with the proposed tariff increase.  In addition, Members received an oral update of the respondents’ comments.


Reference was made to the responses received regarding the rate for Christmas Eve/Day and New Year Eve/Day.  In response to a query regarding amending the tariff, the Legal Services Manager and Senior Licensing Officer advised the Committee that any amendments at this stage would not have been included in the initial consultation with members of the taxi trade therefore, it was suggested that the public consultation would be an opportunity for members of the public and of the taxi trade would be welcome to provide any suggested amendments to the hackney carriage maximum table of fares via the public consultation.  Accordingly, the results of the public consultation would be presented to the Committee in due course.


The applicant was duly afforded the opportunity to address the Committee in support of his application.




5.1     the Current Hackney Carriage Maximum table of fares to       accommodate the increasing overheads incurred by the taxi         trade be restructured;


5.2     the proposed amendments to the current fare table, as set out in the report, be published in the local newspapers, giving 14 days for any persons to submit objections, in accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. Where there are no objections, the tariffs shall be implemented.


Supporting documents: