Agenda item



The Committee received a report which provided an overview and update on the work being undertaken with those not in education, employment or training (NEET).  The report details of service delivery which included the following:-


-       Welsh Government and UK objectives in this area of work;

-       Locally determined objectives, partnership working and performance;

-       Regional developments;

-       Risks and challenges.


The following questions/observations were raised on the report:-


  • Reference was made to the impact of covid and officers were asked if we will be able to catch up with the missed NEET opportunities and that we will be able to get back on target.  The Director informed the Committee that the service has continued to work throughout the pandemic and moved back to holding face to face meetings quite quickly after the onset of the pandemic. The Principal Youth Support Services Manager added that school based youth workers are key to this work and they were back in schools at the earliest possible opportunity.  A lot of work has been done within the department to ensure that risk assessments and safe working practices were in place to enable staff to continue to work safely and responsibly. She added that, as a service, they do not need to catch up as they have continued to work throughout the pandemic;
  • Reference was made to the Young Person’s Guarantee and concern was expressed over the lack of progress on this initiative due to Welsh Government internal resource issues and an assurance was sought that these issues will be sorted out as it was unfair that our young people should lose out on opportunities because of the Welsh Government. The Principal Youth Support Services Manager informed the Committee that this initiative was very much linked to the review of the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework, an update report on which was expected in the new year;
  • As Local Authorities have to bid for Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) money every year, officers were asked how much uncertainty that creates and also whether all Local Authorities have to compete against each other for this money and if it is not forthcoming then what do we do.  Reference was also made to the fact that a lot of the funding available is in the form of short term grants and officers were asked if any decisions are likely on a national level to create a more sustainable long-term system.  The Director explained that a number of the programmes are short term, 3 year programmes.  He agreed that it was difficult because during that period teams become well established but when the funding comes to an end, the teams have to be disbanded. The Principal Youth Support Services Manager added that there is a concern that each Local Authority and the third sector will submit bids which will lead to some areas missing out which would be a great concern.  As a County Council we need to look at how we can best access that funding in order to improve outcomes going into the future. The Committee was assured that this issue was being monitored closely;
  • Disappointment was expressed at the fact that the Local Authority has to bid for this money because we are going to have a cohort of youngsters every year who fall into this category and it was felt that this funding should be part of the core support available.  It was suggested that the Committee write to Welsh Government to suggest that the Young Persons’ Guarantee becomes part of the core funding;
  • Reference was made to self-reporting and specifically those students who do not turn up for a college course and officers were asked who is responsible for monitoring such instances and whether they are reported to Careers Wales. The Principal Youth Support Services Manager informed the Committee that officers receive a snapshot of data from Careers Wales in relation to 16-19 year olds on a monthly basis.  Vulnerability Assessment meetings in school are also helpful in terms of data verification. She assured the Committee that officers do what they can reasonably do to ensure that the data is accurate.




4.1       that the report be received;

4.2       that a letter be sent from the Committee to the Welsh Government       conveying the Committee’s concerns regarding funding and         requesting that a more sustainable, long term system be       introduced.


Supporting documents: