Agenda item




The Committee received a performance report which provided the progress at the end of 2023/24 Quarter 3.  Members as part of their role to scrutinise performance considered the progress on the actions relevant to this Committee which were linked to the actions and measures linked to the Corporate Strategy 2022-2027 and Well-being objectives.


Cabinet Members for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability and Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services presented the areas within their portfolio.


The following queries were raised in relation to the report:-


·       Reference was made to the complaints section on page 2 of the report.  It was commented that as the figures were off target was there something that could be done to improve these?  The Head of Environmental Infrastructure stated that a number of complaints were complex in their nature these often took longer to investigate which then would go beyond the 14-day target.  Members were assured that the complainant was kept informed at all times of the complaint timeline.


·       Reference was made to action 16559 - Implement updated Highway Management System to deliver a risk-based inspection and repair policy.  It was asked since the implementation of the system, had the repair programme improved?  The Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services explained that the existing highway management system had been updated to implement the risk-based approach for inspection and repair in line with the Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) which sets out the prioritisation of the repairs of the road network. 


A concern was raised that the target of 90 days to repair a defective road complaint was too long and that a review of this was needed as the rural roads in particular were suffering.  An additional comment was raised in support that a lot could happen in 90 days which extended the risk of liability to the Authority escalating potential insurance claims.


·       Reference was made to the number of stage 1 complaints cited on page 2 of the report.  Disappointment was expressed in regard to the figures cited - out of 253 complaints only 161 were dealt with on time.  In addition, in regard to stage 2 complaints – off target, it was commented that the statement provided was not a remedial action - ‘it is not possible for senior officers to complete the investigation’.  It was felt that this was another way of saying that there were not enough resources to manage the situation.  The Business Improvement Manager agreed that the data in relation to stage 1 complaints was not ideal however, in acknowledging that the demand on officer’s time was causing an issue it was currently being reviewed.  As stated earlier, complaints in the stage 2 phase were more complex taking longer to investigate however, this was negotiated with the complainant.


·       In addition to the acknowledgement of the continued deterioration of unclassified roads, focus was drawn to the 3 quarters of the reports that were on-target and praise was conveyed to the team in this achievement.


·       In response to a query raised regarding the 20mph signs, the Head of Environmental Infrastructure stated that the Welsh Government currently covered all costs in regard to the defacement and damage to the 20mph signage.


·       It was suggested that a cross-party working group be formulated to consider and review the 20mph speed limits within Carmarthenshire.  It was felt that many areas could be changed.  In response to the suggestion the Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services stated that the Authority was currently waiting on new guidelines to be issued by Welsh Government and following receipt it could be an opportune time for Scrutiny to consider further.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the 2023/24 Quarter 3 Performance Report be noted.


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