Agenda item



The Development Management Officer (South) referred to the private site visit undertaken by the Committee earlier that day (Minute 4.1.2 of the Planning Committee held on the 21st March, 2017 refers) the purpose of which had been to view the partly constructed property in light of concerns expressed on behalf of third parties on its potential impact on adjoining residential properties. He referred, with the aid of powerpoint slides, to the written report of the Head of Planning which provided an appraisal of the site together with a description of the retrospective development, a summary of consultation responses received and information on the local and national policies which were relevant to the assessment of the application. The Committee was advised that the Head of Planning was recommending approval of the application for the reasons detailed within her written report.


Representations were received objecting to the retrospective application re-iterating the points detailed in the Head of Planning’s report which included the following:-


·        The property and extension, had been constructed without any thought to its impact on neighbouring properties

·        The ground floor extension measuring 4.3m x5m x 9m had been constructed without planning consent

·        The construction of the unauthorised extension to the same level as the bedroom windows of the adjacent property at no. 17 would adversely impact on both the privacy of the bedroom and every part of the rear garden of that property resulting in a loss of privacy detrimental to the enjoyment of the home and garden,

·        The construction of the extension by reason of its size, depth, width, height and massing would have an unacceptable adverse impact on the amenity of the adjacent residential properties by reason of being intrusive, out of proportion, overlooking, loss of privacy and having an overbearing visual appearance,

·        The amended roof terrace proposals were minimal and unacceptable in that they could easily be overcome by minor works facilitating the removal of the Juliette Balconies and re-instating access to the roof terrace area at a later date, which would require planning approval, possibly retrospectively

·        Whilst the neighbours expressed a preference for the removal of the ground floor extension, an assurance was sought that, if planning were to be granted, use of the roof terrace would never be permitted. Furthermore, the existing rear first floor French windows should be replaced with normal windows and a pitch roof erected over the extension replacing the current flat roof.

·        The proposed extension of the garden was outside approved development limits and, if approved, would result in encroachment into the open countryside

·        Concern was expressed on the possibility of future retrospective  planning applications being sought for the erection of buildings in the paddock to the rear of the development

·        Additional concerns were expressed on the scale and overbearing impact of the proposed extension  contrary to Policy GP1 of the Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan,

·        The overbearing nature of the extension on the rear garden of no. 15, by virtue of its height, would result in a significant loss of sunlight in the afternoon with a complete loss to the children’s play area by 4.30 -5.00 p.m.

·        The proposal was considered to be contrary to Planning Policy Guidance Wales in that the scale of the development, as constructed, was out of proportion with, and bore no resemblance to the size and scale of neighbouring properties.


The Senior Development Management Officer (South) responded to the issues raised by the objectors. Having regard to the objector’s concerns on the potential for the roof terrace element to be re-introduced, and their preference for the replacement of the proposed first floor rear French windows with fixed windows, views were expressed that the application should be deferred to enable officers to discuss that aspect with the applicants.


RESOLVED that consideration of planning application S/35086 be deferred to enable discussions to be undertaken with the applicants on the feasibility of replacing the rear first floor French windows with fixed windows.

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