“Where S106 money is sought for any new development whether commercial or housing, where the development exceeds 15 houses, local community and county councillors for that ward, as part of the standard and mandatory process, should be included during the “pre-planning” or “planning application stage” regarding any S106 negotiations with the Developer and Council Officers, so they may add their local knowledge and needs for the Community they represent to the final agreement, prior to the S106 amounts and terms and conditions being agreed and planning permission sought for said development”.
Additional documents:
Council considered the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor D. Cundy:-
“Where S106 money is sought for any new development whether commercial or housing, where the development exceeds 15 houses, local community and county councillors for that ward, as part of the standard and mandatory process, should be included during the “pre-planning” or “planning application stage” regarding any S106 negotiations with the Developer and Council Officers, so they may add their local knowledge and needs for the Community they represent to the final agreement, prior to the S106 amounts and terms and conditions being agreed and planning permission sought for said development”.
The Motion was duly seconded.
The proposer of the Motion was afforded the opportunity of speaking in support thereof and outlined the reasons for its submission.
A number of statements were made both for, and against the Motion following which, it was
RESOLVED that the Notice of Motion be not supported.