Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/01/2023 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2022/23 UPDATE pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet received a report which provided the latest budgetary position for the 2022/23 capital programme, as at the 31st October 2022 and detailed new projects and virements for noting and Cabinet approval.


It was reported that departmentally, a net spend of £64,369k was forecast compared with a working net budget of £148,334k giving a -£83,965k variance.


The net budget included the original H.R.A. and General Fund capital programmes approved by Council on the 2nd March, 2022 and slippage from 2021/22. It was noted that some budgets had also been amended to account for differences in actual grant allocations compared with the anticipated allocations at the time the programme was approved and new grant awards received during the year to date.


It was noted that Appendix B detailed the main variances within each department.




8.1     the capital programme update report 2022/23 be received;

8.2.    the new projects as detailed within the report be noted and agreed.