Additional documents:
[Note: during discussion Councillor Alex Evans declared an interest on disabled facilities grants and left the meeting during the debate]
The Committee considered the Council’s draft Annual Report for the period 2023/24 which had been produced in line with the requirements of the Local Government and Elections Act (Wales) 2021. The Authority must publish an Annual Report on performance based on a self-assessment approach each year and under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 the Authority was also required to publish an Annual Report on its Well-being Objectives.
Consideration was given to the information detailed within the Annual Report relevant to the remit of the Health and Social Services Scrutiny Committee.
The following questions/observations were raised on the report:-
· In response for an update on the take up for the exercise referral scheme, the Head of Integrated Services informed the Committee that data was available and would be shared outside of the meeting.
· The Committee inquired about the status of the backlog for disabled facilities grant and whether any progress had been made in this regard. The Head of Housing acknowledged that this area continued to pose challenges but expressed optimism that the recent injection of resources would lead to improved turnaround times.
· In response to a question regarding data for domiciliary care in care homes and for residents in their own homes, it was stated that comparative data is available and would be distributed outside of the meeting to members.
· The Committee was informed that the authority had multiple instances of residents providing care for their relatives at home. These individual cases are regularly evaluated at the hospital, and only when all other options have been explored, do individuals move to care homes.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the Council’s Annual Report 2023/24 be received.