Venue: Chamber & Ante Room, 3 Spilman Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1LE. View directions
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A. Davies. The Chair welcomed Councillor Eryl Morgan to the Committee.
PUBLIC QUESTIONS (NONE RECEIVED) Minutes: The Chair advised that no public questions had been received.
QUARTER 3 - 1ST APRIL TO 31ST DECEMBER 2018 PERFORMANCE MONITORING REPORT PDF 150 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received for consideration the Quarter 3 – 1st April to 31st December 2018 Performance Monitoring Report detailing the progress made against the actions and measures in the New Corporate Strategy 2018/19 on the delivery of the Well-Being Objectives within its remit.
The following questions/issues were raised on the report:-
In response to comments raised in relation to the increase in fly-tipping and the responsibility of general fly-tipping on private land, the Head of Waste and Environmental Services emphasised that if fly-tipping took place on private land, it would be the landowner’s responsibility to dispose of any items deposited. However, the Council currently work with partner agencies when appropriate including the Police, Natural Resources Wales and other organisations on a multi-agency basis to help address fly-tipping on private land.
In response to a further query, the Head of Waste and Environmental Services stated that he would liaise with the internal enforcement groups to explore possible avenues of support for instances of fly-tipping on private land.
Several queries were raised in relation to the recent changes to the recycling centres. The Head of Waste and Environmental Services reiterated to the Committee, the reasons why the changes were necessary and explained that the Council website contained information including:-
What the opening times for recycling centres are What is required as Proof of residency Why a permit scheme is being introduced How the permit scheme words Information on applying for a permit What type of vehicles require a permit. Which vehicles have been banned
The Head of Waste and Environmental Services in response to a query explained that in principle the leaflet on the vehicle guidance for access to recycling centres provided to Committee Members in February hadn’t changed, as the overall aims of the restrictions remained the same. However, there had been amendments to how it was presented to provide more clarity on vehicle types/groupings and would forward the final version to Committee Members.
The Committee considered the Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report as at 31st December in respect of the 2018/19 financial year. The report provided members with budget monitoring information for the Environment Service, Public Protection Service and the Community Safety Service and considered the budgetary position.
In summary, the revenue budget for the services within the Environment and Public Protection Scrutiny remit were forecasting a £447k overspend.
Whereas, the main variances on capital schemes showed a forecasted net spend of £16,252k compared with a working net budget of £16,401k giving a £-149k variance.
RESOLVED that the report be received.
ENVIRONMENTAL AND PUBLIC PROTECTION SCRUTINY COMMITTEE ACTIONS UPDATE REPORT PDF 134 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report detailing the progress achieved in relation to actions, requests or referrals emerging from meetings since 18th May 2018.
The following issues were raised during consideration of the report:-
In addition to the update provided within the report, the Head of Homes & Safer Communities provided a further verbal update assuring the Committee that the department had been working closely with Natural Resource Wales (NRW) who had issued a warning to the company involved the appropriate sanctions had been instated. In addition, the NRW had increased their number of site visits by way of control and that they were satisfied with the actions made. In light of the progress made, the Head of Homes & Safer Communities stated that the department were confident that there would not be a reoccurrence of the previous year’s fly infestation incident.
With regard to S106 contributions, it was asked how the level of contribution sought is decided and who decides how the contributions are then spent. The Head of Planning explained that in terms of the level of contribution sought there was a different formula for different types of need identified. For example, the means of calculating contributions to be sought in relation to open spaces was different to how contributions were calculated for affordable housing or education needs.
The Head of Planning explained the importance for Local Members to get involved early in the process when the level of contributions were being discussed either at the pre-application stage or once a planning application had been received. The Local Member should at that time put forward any needs that they were aware of and were encouraged to discuss this with the relevant Department e.g. Education if the need related to schools as well as discussing with the Planning Case Officer. Furthermore, any needs identified must be accompanied by evidence to substantiate that need. The decision at the planning application stage sets the amount and type of need to be met. These details would set out in the in the s106. Once those monies have been collected by the Planning Division, applications could be submitted for using the various pots of money. The Local Member would then be consulted upon receipt of an expression of interest. The final decision as to whether the expression of interest was successful rests with the Head of Planning.
The Head of Planning noted that as a result of Asset Transfer there was a need to re-look at the methodology for identifying open space needs. This would be done as part of the new LDP and that in the meantime, an interim ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Minutes: The Committee received the forthcoming items for the next meeting scheduled to take place on 17th May 2019.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the list of forthcoming items for the Committee meeting to be held on the 17th May, 2019 be agreed.
Minutes: UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the minutes of the Environment and Public Protection Scrutiny Committee held on the 22nd February, 2019 be signed as a correct record.