Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Rhian Lloyd 01267 224088
No. | Item | ||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: |
There were no declarations of party whips. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS (NONE RECEIVED) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair advised that no public questions had been received. |
YOUTH SUPPORT SERVICES PDF 276 KB Additional documents: Minutes: [NOTE: Councillor J. Lewis had earlier declared an interest in this item.]
The Committee considered a report providing an overview of the Youth Support Service response during the COVID-19 pandemic, together with relevant background information. The report outlined the provision of Youth Support Service and the Youth Justice under a single management structure allowing the development of a holistic approach to the delivery of youth support services across Carmarthenshire.
The Executive Board Member for Education & Children’s Services commended the service on gaining the Silver award in supporting the delivery of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and being responsible for all the open access provisions available within the 4 teams of the Youth Support Service.
The YSS Principal Manager advised that during lockdown the Youth Support Service has shown flexibility and has responded well with challenges faced whereby they’ve supported staffing of the school hubs during lockdown, offered support to families as and when appropriate, food delivery duties across the county, conducted door-step/garden visits for those deemed vulnerable and have adapted quickly with the aid of social media and technology as a form of engaging with children and young people in a safe manner alongside working with Social Services, the Health Board and the whole of the Education Department.
During lockdown safeguarding remained of paramount importance to the service; the Youth Service is a learning organisation that has been restructured to meet the needs across Carmarthenshire. The service was integrated in January, 2016 in order to work to optimal levels with the Youth Justice team and the Youth Justice Management Board completed a self-assessment against the Youth Justice Board National Standards for Children in the Justice System in March, 2020.
Pre-lockdown staff worked together to identify the risks and needs profile of the team’s caseloads to assist in prioritisation and the type of contact/support each child needs whereby Managers and staff completed a Red / Amber / Green status on each Court and Out of Court case using a template which captured Risk of Serious Harm, Safety and Wellbeing concerns or any other need or required response.
The YSS Principal Manager is in the process of drawing up the YSS Business Plan which will include a focus upon the Youth Justice Plan for 2021/22 as well as an overview of the YSS during the past year as well as future planning.
The following questions/observations were raised on the report:-
· Reference was made to the homelessness situation; Head of Curriculum & Wellbeing advised that many challenges are encountered with homelessness as well as foster placements, needing extra care and that there are staff linked in with the Housing Department. · It was asked if staff capacity is down from working in other areas and the YSS Principal Manager confirmed that the service is back at full capacity; detached youth work has commenced and the Carmarthenshire Youth Centres are open for appointment only and that Youth Clubs have continued virtually for now as a safe working practise. · Feedback was sought on how the new developments ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Minutes: The Committee considered a report on the progress of Carmarthenshire’s ALN Transformation Action Plan and the review of ALN Formula Funding which outlines how the local authority is supporting schools with their planning in the implementation of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act (ALNET).
ALN system is the new statutory support system for children and young people aged 0 to 25 in Wales with ALN that is due to come into force in September 2021.
The Executive Board Member for Education & Children’s Services advised that the new statutory system will be introduced in September, 2021 noting its importance to all stakeholders involved in the ALN transformation that each school ensures that what is in place is appropriate for them and, more importantly, the learners within the school. The New ALN Code will be implemented initially to Nursery, Years, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10. The change gives more responsibility on schools and less on the Authority.
The Head of Education and Inclusion Services advised that the ALNCO model was published in March, 2021. He noted that the transformation isn’t new to the authority and have been working on the transformation since 2018; the service has expanded in ALN and in the Inclusion Department. The ALN Managers have both been working alongside ERW with the 6 regional Local Authorities documenting the Principles and personalised planning to meet their needs with IDP. The WG has given an overview for a detailed technical implementation guidance with 4 key commencement orders and training for ALNCO will be tailored to the individual.
The ALN Managers presented a report on developing an ALN provision mapping programme, decision making delivery model, universal provision and ALP in developing an electronic mapping tool for schools. The Head of Education and Inclusion Services advised that Teacher Center has been commissioned to support IDP across schools, families, children and young people. The ALN Managers advised that a handbook for reference for schools will be implemented in the future and that a multi agency programme is being developed for sharing with Health colleagues in Hywel Dda and delivering training across Social Care and the Education sector.
The ALN Managers advised that each child will need a review and that criteria is set by WG for the IDP and to note that there will no longer be an ALN register / no Statement Children as it will be disbanded.
Additional funding given to schools to release ALNCo to consider implementation. Schools will receive the following funding supplements on the basis of FSM support, SEN register to be monitored and challenged, where statementing exceeds 1 x TA per pupil, LA will fully fund additional requirement and the intention that as Statements reduce, funding will transfer to the ALN supplement:-
ALN supplement £1000 per LAC child / 25% FSM / 25% School Action / 50% School Action Plus
SEN supplement 100% supplement for those agreed upto October, 2019 / from October, 2019 – Primary: 50% for new Statements; Secondary 40% or ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT SESSIONS (PREVIOUSLY SCRUTINY SCHOOL VISITS) PDF 228 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report outlining re-establishing engagement sessions with schools and the impact of the authority’s support services on maintaining high quality provision in our schools and outlining Welsh Government expectations on them in contributing to school improvement.
The Executive Board Member for Education & Children’s Services advised that the last year due to the pandemic has had a negative impact on plans with schools closed for months and no visits made. It is hoped that discussions with schools will take place for the academic year September, 2021 and the new curriculum.
The following questions/observations were raised on the report:- · Asked how schools can be part of a discussion on what structure / discussions can be done without physical school visits / can they be invited to share their experiences with Scrutiny Committee? Both the Chair and the Head of education and Inclusion advised that they will liaise with school and form 3 x groups of members of the committee to have virtual discussions. A timetable of suggested themes / types of questions and evidence asked will be created for the Autumn term so that work can commence for the next 2 terms and the 3rd term used to discuss buildings etc. The Head of Education and Inclusion will link work and visits with the school improvement team to look at support and any elements for improvement.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the report be received. |
EXPLANATION FOR NON-SUBMISSION OF SCRUTINY REPORT PDF 85 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received an explanation for the non-submission of the following scrutiny report and noted that it would be presented to Committee at the next meeting:-
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the information be noted. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the list of forthcoming items to be considered at the next scheduled meeting on the 8th July, 2021 be noted and was verbally noted that the Annual Report will be brought before committee also on the 8th July, 2021 and will potentially give an interim recommendation from Task and Finish. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Subject to the following change in establishment of the Task and Finish Group membership due to unforeseen circumstances-
Plaid Cymru: Cllr. Jean Lewis to replace Cllr. Emlyn Schiavone Labour: Cllr. Dot Jones to replace Cllr. Bill Thomas
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 21st April, 2021 be signed as a correct record. |