Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions
No. | Item | ||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors S. Davies and R. James. |
There were no declarations of any prohibited party whips. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS (NONE RECEIVED) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair advised that no public questions had been received. |
Additional documents: Minutes:
In accordance with the School Engagement Programme agreed by Committee at its meeting on 30th November 2021, a report was presented to Members which focussed upon the process of recovery as schools emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic.
It was explained to Members that that an alternative structure, in the form of online school engagement sessions, had been introduced to temporarily replace school visits during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, and which would enable the Committee to continue with its school evaluation and improvement function.
The Committee considered the financial support allocated to schools during 2021/22 by way of the Accelerated Learning Programme and which included an additional ‘Recruit, Recover, Raise Standards’ (RRRs) grant recently provided. The Committee’s remit was to focus upon the utilisation of the additional funding provided to schools to meet the needs of the requirements of the RRRs, within the areas of Accelerated Learning, Priority Cohorts for Support and Curriculum Reform.
The Committee then received a presentation from the school representatives which focussed upon the means by which they had addressed the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact upon pupils and staff and the perceived longer-term challenges ahead. An overview of how the schools had utilised the additional funding received provided members with a detailed understanding of the impact of the Local Authority’s support on provision across the school system. Key points covered within the presentation included:
REVENUE BUDGET STRATEGY CONSULTATION 2022/23 to 2024/25 PDF 240 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the Council’s Revenue Budget Strategy 2022/23 to 2024/25 which provided a current view of the revenue budget for 2021/2022 together with indicative figures for the 2023/24 and 2024/25 financial years.
The report provided details of the budget process, the current Welsh Government provisional settlement issued on 21st December 2021 and the final settlement timetable and identified the validation and budget pressures that needed to be considered by Members in setting next year’s revenue budget.
It was reported that, whilst significant work had already been undertaken in preparing the budget, the report represented an initial position statement which would be updated following the consultation process. Accordingly, Members were reminded that the report had been considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on the 17th January 2022 and members of the Committee had recently attended consultation events which had provided an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on various aspects of the budget.
The report indicated that, after adjustments for WG, identified transfers, the increase in the provisional settlement for Carmarthenshire was 9.2% (£26.335 million). The Aggregate External Finance (AEF) had therefore increased to £311.957 million in 2022/23 which accommodated teachers’ pay and included £302k in respect of the Social Care Workforce Grant.
Committee’s attention was drawn to section 3.5 of the budget strategy whereby an overview of the schools’ delegated budgets was provided to Members. Whilst concerns were raised that many service specific grants remained at a similar level to previous years given the impact of pay awards and general inflation, it was reported to Members that for 2022/23, the RRRS grant would continue, and that the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) grant and Pupil Development grant would be enhanced.
The Committee thereupon considered the following detailed budget information appended to the Strategy, relevant to its remit:-
· Appendix A(i) – Efficiency summary for the Education & Children’s Services Department. · Appendix A(ii) – Growth Pressures summary for the Education & Children’s Services Department. · Appendix B – Budget monitoring report for the Education & Children’s Services Department · Appendix C – Charging Digest for the Education & Children’s Services Department
It was reported that the final settlement was due to be received from Welsh Government on the 1st March, 2022 and any amendments required to be considered in relation to the Budget Strategy arising from that announcement would also be considered by Council at its meeting scheduled for 2nd March, 2022.
Officers addressed a number of member queries and observations, as follows:
In response to a query regarding the take-up of the Hardship fund by Schools, Officers duly clarified the parameters in which schools could apply for the funding. It was explained to Members that common costs would usually be met from corporate departmental budgets. Furthermore, it was emphasised that individual school circumstances, in terms of the scale of impact from the Covid-19 pandemic in areas such as staffing, varied throughout the county. The Committee was assured to note that regular communication was provided to all ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
EDUCATION & CHILDREN DRAFT DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLAN 2022 - 2023 PDF 258 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members were provided with an overview of the draft business plan for the Education and Children section which aimed to support the delivery of the Corporate Strategy. The Committee considered the departmental priorities for 2022-23 in relation to the following areas falling within its remit:
Reference was made to the effective practices and new methodologies which had been developed under Covid-19 restrictions; whereby it was acknowledged that many approaches and initiatives would form part of future working practices.
A number of observations and queries were addressed, as follows:
In response to a query, the Director of Education and Children’s Services confirmed to Members that the Task and Finish Group Report 208/19, which incorporated recommendations emanating from the review of Carmarthenshire’s School Admissions Policy, was scheduled to be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 31st January 2022. The Committee noted that the business plan would be duly updated to reflect the determinations of the Cabinet.
Committee referred to the funding formula for ALN and requested an update in this regard. The Head of Education Services and Inclusion explained that a clear direction had been agreed amongst secondary schools, however, due to the variances in size amongst primary schools, it was resolved that additional funding would be allocated on a priority basis as part of the growth expenditure. It was explained that the general funding formula had been reviewed to address the pressures identified by schools. Following an imminent consultation period, it was envisaged that the revised funding formula would be implemented from March 2022.
Concerns were raised that feedback had been received from a school who had experienced difficulties in contacting the Council to report and rectify maintenance issues. Committee was provided with an explanation of the process to be followed in this regard and assurances provided that a simple one-page procedure was currently being developed for schools.
An update was requested in respect of music services. The Interim Head of School Effectiveness explained that blended opportunities had been provided to schools during the Covid-19 pandemic on a prioritisation basis, in addition to Key Stage 2 Curriculum support. Members were pleased to note that progress was being made in this area.
RESOLVED that the report be received.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a list of items to be considered at the next scheduled meeting of the Committee to be held on 16th March 2022. The Director of Education and Children’s Services reported that a new Lead Officer, namely Mr Ian Altman would be invited to attend the next meeting to participate in the discussion surrounding the new Regional Collaboration Model.
In reviewing the Committee’s Forward Work Programme for 2021/22, it was noted that the meeting scheduled for 26 April 2022 may be deferred in accordance with pre-election guidance, and further information would be circulated to Members in due course.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the list of forthcoming items to be considered at the next meeting be noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 23 December, 2021 be signed as a correct record. |