Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 26th September, 2023 1.30 pm

Venue: Chamber - County Hall, Carmarthen. SA31 1JP and remotely. View directions

Contact: Julie Owens  01267 224088


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. J.M. Charles, P. Cooper, J.P. Jenkins and D. Owen.



Additional documents:



Minute Number

Nature of Interest

Cllr W.E. Skinner

2.               3:  PL/05250 – Proposed change of use from B1 (offices) to D1 use (wellbeing centre) at Dragon 24, Traeth Ffordd, Llanelli, SA15 2LF


Personal and Prejudicial – Lives close to the proposed Development and will make representations on the application but note vote in accordance with part 14(2) of the Council’s code of conduct.




Additional documents:



RESOLVED that the following planning application be granted subject to the conditions detailed within the Report/Addendum of the Head of Place and Sustainability and or reported at the meeting:-



Residential Development at Land off Heol Y Parc, Hendy, Swansea, SA4 0XZ


The Senior Development Management Officer referred to the private site visit undertaken by the Committee earlier that day (minute 3.2 of the Planning Committee held on the 2nd February, 2023 refers), the purpose of which was to enable the Committee to view the site in relation to the objectors concerns. He referred, with the aid of PowerPoint slides, to the written report of the Head of Place and Sustainabilitywhich provided an appraisal of the site together with a description of the proposed development, a summary of consultation responses received and information relating to the local and national policies relevant to the assessment of the application.


The Committee was advised that the Head of Place and Sustainabilitywas recommending approval of the application for the reasons detailed within the written report.


A representation was received objecting to the application re-iterating the points detailed within the Head of Place and Sustainability’s report and included:


·       Objections received from 75 local residents and the Community Council

·       Road safety and traffic congestion

·       Lack of off-street parking and parking for visitors

·       The LDP had identified the site for 5 houses. The current application was for 7 and the site was not identified for development within the emerging LDP

·       Loss of wildlife habitat and a wildlife corridor

·       Land ownership / boundary issues

·       Loss of privacy for neighboring properties


The applicant’s agent and Senior Development Management Officer responded to the issues raised.




RESOLVED that the following application be refused contrary to the recommendation of the Head of Place and Sustainability:-






Proposed change of use from B1 (offices) to D1 use (wellbeing centre) at Dragon 24, Traeth Ffordd, Llanelli, SA15 2LF


(Note: Councillor E Skinner, having earlier declared an interest in this item, made representations in accordance with Section14(2) of the Council’s Code of Conduct and left the Chamber for the vote and did not vote on the application)


The Senior Development Management Officer referred to the private site visit undertaken by the Committee earlier that day (minute 3.3 of the Planning Committee held on the 14th September, 2023 refers), the purpose of which was to enable the Committee to view the site in relation to the concerns raised by Local Members.


The Senior Development Management Officer referred, with the aid of PowerPoint slides, to the written report of the Head of Place and Sustainabilitywhich provided an appraisal of the site together with a summary of the consultation responses received and information relating to the local and national policies relevant to the assessment of the application.


The Committee was advised that the Head of Place and Sustainabilitywas recommending approval of the application for the reasons detailed within the written report.


Representations were received from the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.