Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 4th June, 2024 11.30 am

Venue: Chamber - County Hall, Carmarthen. SA31 1JP and remotely. View directions

Contact: Kevin Thomas  01267 224027

Note: Site Visit 


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors P. Cooper, T. Davies, M. Donoghue, J. James, E. Skinner and S. Williams



Additional documents:


There were no declarations of personal interest.



Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following planning application be granted subject to the conditions detailed within the Report/Addendum of the Head of Place and Sustainability and or reported at the meeting:-



Variation of Condition 2 (to W/02132) to amend plans to include revised access ramp and amendments to dwelling.


Prior to consideration of the application, a request was received from the local councillor for consideration of the application to be deferred for a further site visit to be undertaken to enable the Committee to view the development from an objector’s rear garden on the basis access had not been possible that morning due to a misunderstanding between herself and the objector


The Legal Services Manager advised that as the site visit had been undertaken in accordance with the planning protocol, there was no justifiable legal reason for deferring the application to undertake an additional site visit.


Following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED that the request received for the deferment of the application for a further site visit to be undertaken be not acceded to and the Committee proceed with its consideration and determination.


The Senior Development Officer referred to the private site visit undertaken by the Committee earlier that day (minute 3.2 of the Planning Committee held on the 28th March 2024, refers), the purpose of which was to enable the Committee to assess the full impact of the application.


She referred, with the aid of PowerPoint slides, to the written report of the Head of Place and Sustainabilitywhich provided an appraisal of the site together with a description of the proposal, a summary of consultation responses received and information relating to the local and national policies relevant to the assessment of the application. She advised that the Head of Place and Sustainability was recommending approval of the application subject to the conditions within the report and to any other conditions required to be imposed by the Committee.


Representations were received from two objectors to the application re-iterating the objection points detailed within the Head of Planning’s written report which included;

·       The development, having been erected on a higher elevation to neighbouring properties, was imposing and dominant being obtrusive and detrimentally impacting on the privacy, amenity and enjoyment of those properties and their rear gardens due to overlooking.

·       had the original plan been adhered to, neighbours would not have any objections.

·       adverse impact on the health of neighbours and their well-being.

·       the amendments had been undertaken without the benefit of planning consent and therefor consent should not be granted with the unauthorized elements being removed.

·       Lack of consultations on the changes to the original application in 1999.


The applicant’s agent and Senior Development Management Officer responded to the issues raised.