Venue: County Hall, Carmarthen
Contact: Kevin Thomas 01267 224027
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL INTEREST Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were made |
PROHIBITION OF DRIVING, BOAT 57/74, ST. ILLYTD'S WALK, BURRY PORT TO PENYMYNYDD PDF 335 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Board Member considered a report on proposals to introduce a Prohibition of Driving Order along the Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT) NO 57/74 from its junction with Heol Ddu (U2323) at Penymynydd for a distance of 1.7km, as detailed on the plan appended to the report, on the basis the route was considered to be unsafe for motorised vehicles. If adopted, the order also proposed a number of exemptions to allow for pedestrians, horses, cyclists, motorbikes and residents living along the BOAT to travel along its route.
The Executive Board Member was advised that following publication of the proposal, no objections had been received from the Statutory consultees. However, 5 objections, and a petition had been received, (as detailed within the report together with the departments responses thereto), with the main objection being against the proposal to allow motorbikes an exemption to travel along the BOAT. Following consideration of those objections, it was recommended that the Order be published subject to the removal of the exemption for motorbikes i.e. to prohibit motorbikes travelling along the BOAT.
RESOLVED that the objections received to the proposed Prohibition of Driving Order along the BOAT no. 57/74 be noted, but that the Traffic Regulation Order be introduced subject to the removal of the exemption for motorbikes i.e to prohibit motorbikes travelling along the BOAT |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Board Member was advised that the Authority had previously provided, on an informal basis, two disabled persons parking bays on the lane to the rear of Heol Morlais, Llanelli, as detailed on the plan appended to the report, and that a request had now been received for the formalisation of that provision to enable their enforcement by the Council’s Civil Enforcement Officers.
The Road Safety and Traffic Manager advised that following publication of the proposal no objections had been received from the statutory consultees, however, one objection had been received from a local resident on the basis it was felt only one parking bay was required, and that the provision of two bays would result in residents having to park in adjoining streets. The Road Safety and Traffic Manager reported that the two bays were being proposed on the basis there were two residents requiring their provision, and that there was capacity for both on and off carriageway parking for approximately 20 vehicles.
RESOLVED 3.1 that the objection received to the proposed introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order for the provision of two disabled persons parking bays on the lane to the rear of Heol Morlais Llanelli, be noted, but that the Council proceed with the making of the Order, 3.2 that the objector be informed of the Council’s decision
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Board Member considered a report on the Councils’ proposals to make an Order varying the County of Carmarthenshire (Llanelli) (Waiting Restriction and Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order so as to include various new restrictions along a number of highways within Llanelli, as detailed within the report.
It was reported that whilst no objections had been received to the proposals from the statutory consultees, seven representations had been received from the public, as detailed within Appendix 3 to the report together with the department’s responses thereto, and summarised within the report’s Executive Summary referenced 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7.
RESOLVED 4.1 that the County of Carmarthenshire (Llanelli) (Waiting Restriction and Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order be confirmed subject to the amendments agreed with the local members as detailed within 4.3, 4.4. 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 of the report’s executive summary, 4.2 that the objectors to the proposed Order be formally advised of the Council’s decision. |
DECISION RECORD -17TH SEPTEMBER 2015 PDF 317 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the Decision Record of the meeting held on the 17th September, 2015 be signed as a correct record. |