Venue: Room 65, County Hall, Carmarthen - County Hall, Carmarthen. View directions
Contact: Catherine Gadd
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL INTEREST Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
OBJECTIONS TO A ONE WAY TRAFFIC RESTRICTION ON NORTH PARADE AND THE AVENUE, CARMARTHEN Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Board Member considered a report on the objections in relation to the making of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order needed to introduce a one way traffic restriction on North Parade and The Avenue, Carmarthen. The reasons for introducing the one way traffic order were to create a new vehicular access to facilitate the conversion of the listed former infirmary site, located on the north-western side of North Parade, and, in the interest of creating a circuitous traffic flow system North Parade, and The Avenue.
It was reported that five representations had been received to the proposals from the public, as detailed within Appendix 3 of the report together with the department’s responses thereto. The Executive Board Member in response to a query was informed that no parking spaces would be lost as a result of the Order.
2.1 that the objections, as detailed within the report, be noted;
2.2 that the proposals, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, be implemented;
2.3 that the objectors be formally advised of the Council’s decision |
DECISION RECORD 14TH SEPTEMBER, 2016 Minutes: RESOLVED that the decision record of the meeting held on 14th September, 2016 be signed as a correct record. |