Venue: Committee Room 2, 3 Spilman Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1LE. View directions
Contact: Martin S. Davies 01267 224059
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL INTERESTS Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
DECISION RECORD - 30TH MARCH 2016 PDF 110 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the decision record of the meeting held on the 30th March 2016 be signed as a correct record. |
REVISED CRITERIA FOR THE WELSH CHURCH FUND PDF 301 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Board Member considered a report detailing proposed revised criteria for the Welsh Church Fund. It was noted that the Grant Criteria was periodically reviewed to ensure the fund was effectively administered and that any changes to corporate policy and procedures were incorporated.
RESOLVED that the revised criteria for the Welsh Church Fund be approved. |
AWARD OF REPAYABLE FUNDING TO SUPPORT TOWN CENTRE REGENERATION IN LLANELLI PDF 294 KB Minutes: The Executive Board Member considered a report which highlighted the success of Carmarthenshire County Council’s (CCC) Economic Development Division in securing an additional £50,000 funding towards the approved £700,000 Llanelli town centre loan scheme, the purpose of which was to reduce the number of vacant, under-utilised and redundant sites and premises while supporting diversification in Llanelli town centre. The Welsh Government had awarded the funding on the proviso that it was claimed in full by 25th March 2016 otherwise it would have been lost. It was therefore recommended that the drawing down of the additional £50k and the addition of this funding to the original amount to use for the purpose described within the offer letter be retrospectively approved.
RESOLVED to approve the above recommendation.