Venue: Chamber & Ante Room, 3 Spilman Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1LE. View directions
No. | Item |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAR AND VICE-CHAIR FOR THE PANEL PDF 95 KB Minutes: It was proposed and seconded that Councillor A Lloyd-Jones be appointed as the Panel Chair. UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that Councillor Alun Lloyd-Jones be appointed Chair of the Panel.
The Chair sought nominations for Vice-Chair,
it was proposed that Professor
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that Professor I. Roffe be appointed Vice-Chair of the Panel.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND PERSONAL MATTERS Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor L. George (Powys County Council).
The Panel extended their congratulations to the Police and Crime Commissioner and a team of Dyfed-Powys Police Officers for taking part and completing a 5 day charity bike ride challenge which raised money for the Safer Dyfed-Powys Diogel Charity. The bike ride took place between 29th April 2018 and 4th May 2018 and raised approximately £5000.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of personal interest.
TO SIGN AS A CORRECT RECORD THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON THE 18TH MAY 2018 PDF 325 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel held on the 18th May, 2018 be signed as a correct record.
MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (IF ANY) Minutes: 5.1 Minute 4.1 – Agenda Item, Question by Councillor A. Lloyd Jones
An update was requested with regard to the Welsh Government funding for the All Wales School Liaison programme. The Police and Crime Commissioner reported that as a result of a considerable amount of lobbying, the Welsh Government had agreed to continue to fund the programme for a further 12 months in order to obtain further evidence prior to making a final decision. 5.2 Minute 4.5 – Agenda Item, Question by Councillor M. James
It was commented that it was pleasing to note that the Police and Crime Commissioner had been working together with farming communities in order to reduce livestock worrying incidents. The Police and Crime Commissioner stated that major steps had been taken in that every County would receive dedicated specific resources in order to eradicate livestock worrying offences.
In response to a query regarding the governance of the Rural Crime Strategy, the Police and Crime Commissioner stated that the Chief Constable Chairs regular Rural Crime Fora and partnership meetings. Whilst the Forum was an operational function, the Police and Crime Commissioner extended an invitation to Panel Members to attend and represent on the Forum. 5.3 Minute 7 – Agenda Item, Decisions taken by the Commissioner
It was commented that the old Police Station in St Clears opposite the carpark was unsightly and concern was raised that this may be contributing to an increase in negative public perception with regard to its former association with the Police. The Police and Crime Commissioner stated that the building had been sold and that the building was no longer the responsibility of the Dyfed-Powys Police.
DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT OF THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER PDF 95 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 12 and 28 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, received for consideration the Annual Report of the Police and Crime Commissioner for 2017/18.
The following questions/issues were raised on the report:-
Furthermore, the Police and Crime Commissioner stated that it had been proposed that Goleudy provide a performance report for which they would be accountable for.
The Police and Crime Commissioner informed the Panel that a flyer had been developed in order to provide information to the public on the provision of CCTV. The flyer was available for the Panel to peruse.
The Police and Crime Commissioner invited the Panel to view the CCTV Central Monitoring area at Police Headquarters following the next finance seminar.
Following a query
raised regard to Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) the
Police and Crime Commissioner stated that an ANPR intelligence
tactical desk had been introduced that provided a robust and far
reaching facility. In response to a query regarding the use of facial recognition, the Police and Crime Commissioner stated that whilst South Wales Police currently utilise the facial recognition function within their CCTV system, there was no intention to use the provision of facial recognition within the Dyfed-Powys Police CCTV system due to concerns regarding the accuracy. However, should there be scope to utilise facial recognition in the future, the CCTV system installed had the capabilities to provide the service.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the report be received.
DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE COMMISSIONER PDF 96 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received, for information, a report detailing the decisions made by the Police and Crime Commissioner for the period 19th December 2017 - 16th July, 2018. The following issues were raised:
Following a comment raised regarding police visibility, the Police and Crime Commissioner stated that public contact with Police had changed considerably over the last decade and that the public were encouraged to ring 101 or 999, dependent of the degree of seriousness. It was further commented that it was important for police to remain visible for the safety of the public and to meet the needs of some elderly and other individuals who may to prefer face to face interaction.
A query was raised with regard to the opening hours of the Carmarthen NPT base. The Police and Crime Commissioner stated that he had recently challenged the Chief Constable with regard to future opening hours and that Sup. Int. Claire Parmenter as part of a team had been directed to undertake a review of the opening hours of all NPT’s. In light of the aforementioned review, the Panel were keen to receive clarity and consistency with regard to NPT opening hours across the force.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the report be received.
Minutes: The Panel received for consideration the agenda, reports and minutes for the Police Accountability Board meeting held on the 8th May 2018.
The Chair stated that some of the pages were illegible and duly requested that the quality of the reports be improved for the future meetings.
Concern was expressed in relation to the increase in sickness absence attributed to psychological disorders, it was asked what was being done to address this? The Police and Crime Commissioner stated that sadly the trend was consistent with national trends which was increasing year on year. He added that a reason for the increase could be attributed to individuals being more comfortable reporting their reasons for absence as the stigma regarding mental health and psychological disorders lowers.
The Police and Crime Commissioner
reassured the Panel that proactive measures had been put in place
to assist individuals and reduce the increasing trend through
organised staff well-being seminars, fairs and surveys. In response to a query, the Police and Crime Commissioner stated that the public were urged to call 101 as this would enable to quantify on average how long each call took to be resolved.
It was asked, if the results of a recent staff survey could be shared with the Panel? The Police and Crime Commissioner stated that he would make enquiries.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the report on the Police Accountability Board held on 8th May 2018 be noted.
CHAIRMAN'S ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 PDF 122 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received the Chairman’s Annual Report 2017-2018 which aimed to raise public awareness of the role and work of the Panel. The report had been developed in accordance with the guidance issued by the Centre for Public Scrutiny.
The report provided a review of the year 2017-18 and included the panel’s 4 objectives for 2018-19. The following individual panel members had volunteered to act as Panel champions for each objective:-
1. Scrutiny of the Police Precept - Cllr Keith Evans 2. Scrutiny of how the PCC holds the Chief Constable to account - Cllr William Powell 3. Scrutiny of the Police and Crime Plan - Professor Ian Roffe 4. Improving Public awareness of the Police and Crime Panel - Cllr Alun Lloyd Jones
In addition, the report proposed the following distribution schedule be as follows:-
Publish the Annual Report on the Panel website and
circulated to traditional media outlets that are active in the
force area; · E-mail the Annual Report to all MPs, AMs, MEPs, County Councillors and Town & Community Councils in the force area.
In addition to the abovementioned distribution schedule, requests were made to include libraries, Chairs of other Police and Crime Panels and that copies to be made available at the National Eisteddfod.
Furthermore, the Legal Services Manager stated that he would e-mail all Panel members seeking recommendations where to distribute the plan in their areas.
The Panel highlighted some typographical errors which Officers noted.
The Chair expressed sincere thanks to the Legal Services Manager for his guidance and support in developing the report.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that: 9.1 the Chairman’s Annual Report 2017-2018 subject to the typographical amendments being made, be endorsed;
9.2 the distribution list set out in the report to include libraries and Chairs of other Police and Crime Panel be approved.
PANEL COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY PDF 123 KB Minutes: The Panel received the Panel Communication Strategy report and the Strategy was circulated to the Panel for consideration.
The Strategy had been developed in order to satisfy legislation which required Police and Crime Panels to promote their activities with a view to raising public awareness and engagement. Furthermore, the Strategy provided assurance that its activities were conducted in a cost-effective manner which in turn would comply with the conditions attached to the Home Office Grant which funded the work of the Panel.
The report highlighted that since the creation of the Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Panel all promotional activities had been undertaken by Carmarthenshire County Council’s Media and Marketing Team which included: the creation and maintenance of the Panel’s website; the production of large number of press releases; engagement work with traditional media outlets across the force area; engagement work with the press offices of the other 3 unitary authorities across the force area.
As a result of the above work, the Panel noted that the last 12 months had seen a significant increase in public and press interest in the work of the Panel.
In order to increase the level of public understanding of the specific role of the Panel, the Strategy sets out how, through the use of traditional media and online/social media this would be achieved.
The Panel noted that webcasting the meeting could be a method of providing a cost-effective means of engaging with the press and public and was therefore proposed that the Panel trial this for its next scheduled meeting on the 16th November 2018.
The Chair thanked the Carmarthenshire’s Media and Marketing team for all the exceptional work that they carry out for the Panel.
10.1 The Panel
Communication Strategy be endorsed; 10.2 as a trial the next Panel meeting scheduled to take place on 16th November, 2018 in Carmarthen be webcast.