Venue: County Hall - Haverfordwest - Haverfordwest. View directions
No. | Item | |||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND PERSONAL MATTERS Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Les George (Powys County Council), Councillor Liz Rijenberg (Powys County Council) and Councillor Keith Evans (Ceredigion County Council)
The Panel extended their condolences to Councillor Ken Howell on the passing of his brother.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Additional documents: Minutes:
TO SIGN AS A CORRECT RECORD THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON THE 28TH OCTOBER 2022 PDF 103 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Panel meeting held on the 28th October, 2022 be signed as a correct record,
MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (IF ANY) Additional documents: Minutes: 28th October, 2022 – Minutes Item 7
In a response to a query on violence against women, the Commissioner reassured the panel, that it was his duty to ensure that safeguarding processes were in place. Individuals are being re-vetted and if necessary, action would be taken. |
2023-2024 POLICE PRECEPT PDF 116 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: [NOTE: Councillor S. Hancock had earlier declared an interest in this item.]
The Panel considered the Commissioner’s report on the proposed police precept for 2023/2024. The Panel was advised that it could make the decision to either approve, reject, or veto the proposed precept at the meeting and thereafter had to issue a report on its decision to the Commissioner. The decision to approve or reject could be made by a simple majority while a veto vote had to be supported by a two-third majority of the entire Panel membership. This would imply that ten Panel Members present at the meeting would have to support the veto. It was further advised that, if the Panel chose to veto, the Commissioner would not be able to issue the proposed precept and would have to publish a response to the Panel’s report, indicating a different proposed precept, by the 10th February 2023. The Panel would not be able to veto the revised proposed precept but could only decide to approve or reject it.
The report proposed a precept rise of £1.87 per month on a Band D property, equating toa 7.75% increase.
The Panel thanked the Commissioner and Chief Constable for organising a finance seminar that supported scrutiny of the report.
A query was raised regarding public consultation engagements. The Commissioner advised that in future it would be more beneficial to hold engagements during the year.
In response to a query, the Commissioner advised that discussions regarding estates are on-going, with community engagement events taking place over the next few months for discussion with the public.
In response to a query regarding availability of Neighbourhood Police Officers, the Commissioner advised that councillors should have direct access to the team. Public engagement events are being organised in each county, during the year.
A query was raised over the guarantee on future grant funding contributions. The Commissioner advised that they were reliant on grants from the Welsh Government to help fund workforce posts. Discussions will be held for future years.
Professor Ian Roffe provided a presentation on the Panel’s scrutiny of the 2023/2024 precept proposal and thanked Cllr. Evans and the Commissioner for their detailed and informative reports.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the Commissioner’s proposal to increase the Dyfed-Powys Police precept by 7.75% for 2023/24 be endorsed.
[NOTE: Cllr E. Evans left the meeting] |
DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE COMMISSIONER PDF 100 KB Additional documents: Minutes: [NOTE: Councillor S. Hancock and Mrs. H. Thomas had earlier declared an interest in this item.]
The Panel considered a report on decisions taken by the Commissioner between 12th October 2022 to the 17th January, 2023.
RESOLVED that the report be received.
POLICING PROTOCOL - PERFORMANCE REPORT PDF 106 KB Additional documents: Minutes: [NOTE: Councillor S. Hancock had earlier declared an interest in this item.]
[NOTE: Cllr W. Powell left during the item.]
The Panel considered a performance report in relation to the Policing Protocol for Q3 of the financial year 2022/23 (October-December 2022).
In response to a query, the Commissioner agreed that future reports to the panel would include a timescale.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.