Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Janine Owen 01267 224030
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of personal interest.
DECISIONS RECORD - 28TH JANUARY 2021 PDF 205 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the decision record of the meeting held on 28th January, 2021 be signed as a correct record.
PUBLIC SPACE PROTECTION ORDER RENEWAL - INITIAL STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PDF 223 KB Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report which provided information regarding the renewal of the Public Space Protection Order.
The Government made provision to introduce Public Space Protection Orders in July 2019 when the Authority adopted the following 3 conditions relating to dog orders:
1. Allowing a dog to foul without picking it up anywhere within Carmarthenshire where the public have access on payment or otherwise is deemed an offence 2. Dogs must be placed on a lead following direction by an authorised officer. 3. No dogs are allowed in enclosed children’s play areas.
It was reported that the PSPO is reviewed every 3 years and as part the engagement exercise process, it is required to capture any additional conditions to the existing conditions set out in points 1-3 above from relevant stakeholders.
The report proposed to undertake an engagement period with relevant stakeholders which would include Town and Community Councils by way of a survey. Early engagement would provide an opportunity to capture any additional provisions which may be deemed necessary to address dog related problems. The information received during this engagement period would be considered prior to formal consultation as part of the process of renewing the existing Order or making a new Order.
The Cabinet Member noted that following the initial engagement period of 8 weeks and consideration of the feedback, the formal consultation process would commence following the development of the draft Order(s).
3.1 A survey with relevant stakeholders to gather information in preparation for the renewal of our Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) be approved.
3.2 A survey to relevant stakeholders namely Town and Community Councils and Sports Associations to establish what additional conditions they may like to add onto the existing provision (PSPO that currently covers the 3 conditions relating to dog controls), or possibly through additional separate orders be endorsed.