Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL INTEREST. Minutes: There were no declarations of personal interest.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the decision record of the meeting held on the 29th September 2023 be signed as a correct record.
APPOINTMENT OF EDUCATION ADMISSIONS FORUM MEMBERS. PDF 124 KB Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report detailing the appointment of Education Admissions Forum Members.
In accordance with the Local Authority’s Appointment Policy for Admissions Forum Members, there is a requirement to review core members and school members of the Forum every 4 years. A full membership review took place and nominations formally approved in May 2023. It was acknowledged that an additional nomination for a Community Representative be re-advertised and a further exercise to recruit an additional Community Representative was undertaken in May 2023 which resulted in a single nomination.
Additionally, the Head of Ysgol Dyffryn Taf resigned from the Forum in June 2023 and an exercise to seek nominations from all Carmarthenshire Secondary Heads was delayed until the start of the new academic year in September 2023 to ensure all new Heads were in post which resulted in one nomination being received.
Headteacher Representatives - Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools: Mr Dave Williams (Q.E. High School)
Local Community Representatives: Mrs Janae Holliday (St Ishmaels Community Council)
In order to meet statutory obligations in relation to filling vacancies on the Education Admissions Forum, it was
RESOLVED that Mr Dave Williams and Mrs Janae Holliday be appointed as members of the Education Admissions Forum on the terms to be confirmed by the School Organisation & Admissions Manager.