Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Martin S. Davies 01267 224059
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of personal interest. |
DECISION RECORD - 18TH MARCH 2022 PDF 76 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the decision record of the meeting held on the 18th March, 2022 be signed as a correct record. |
NON-RESIDENTIAL CHARGING 2023-24 PDF 144 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a report detailing the potential impact, and effect, of changes to charges for non-residential services and the need for charges in Carmarthenshire to increase in order to continue to maximise income.
To work towards full cost recovery for 2023-24, and to align rates with other Local Authorities in Wales, it was proposed to increase non-residential charges for hourly charged services from £18.00 to £20.00 (11.11%) and Day Care and Adult Placement charges from £17.60 to £19.55 (11.08%).
It was noted that the scale of charges for 2023-24, in most cases is significantly less than the cost of provision, however increasing charges would not necessarily increase income for this year because the amount anyone can pay is controlled by the current Welsh Government “Cap” and Financial Assessment. It was however recognised that there may be a small marginal increase of income from the inflationary uplift applied to the full cost, small packages of care.
RESOLVED that Carmarthenshire increase its Non-Residential charges for hourly charged services by inflation from £18.00 to £20.00 (11.11%) and Day Care and Adult Placement sessional charges from £17.60 to £19.55 (11.08%) in an attempt to recover as much revenue as possible within the rules set down by Welsh Government for 2023 - 24, and to align rates with other local authorities in Wales, and to move closer to regional Local Authorities. |