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Contact: Janine Owen 01267 224030
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes:
An apology for absence was received from Councillor E. G. Thomas, Cabinet Member for Transport. Waste and Infrastructure Services. The Chair took the opportunity to express his best wishes to Councillor Thomas in respect to his upcoming knee surgery.
There were no declarations of interest. There were no declarations of any prohibited party whips.
PUBLIC QUESTIONS (NONE RECEIVED) Additional documents: Minutes: |
THE COUNCIL'S ANNUAL REPORT 2023/24 PDF 120 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received the 2023/24 Council’s Annual Report for approval. The Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability in introduced the report to the Committee.
The following observations and queries were raised in regard to the report:-
2024/25 QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE REPORT PDF 102 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received the Performance Report for quarter 1 of the 2024/25 year for consideration. The report, presented by the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability outlined the progress of the Actions and Measures within the remit of this Committee that are linked to the Corporate Strategy and the Well-being Objectives.
The following observations and queries were raised in regard to the report:-
· Reference was made to Action 17499 on page 2 of the report. Concern was expressed with the progress update provided ‘Routine works are not currently being prioritised given a lack of resource.’ The Cabinet Member explained that this action was related to the work on the Shoreline Management Plan and reassured Members that Currently, operational coastal work was being prioritised with high risk areas including the issues in Ferryside and Llansteffan pre and reactive work arising from post storms and high tides. Conversations about flooding continued to take place in regard flooding mitigation. The Head of Place and Sustainability confirmed that they had successfully recruited 3 additional members to the team. The Flood Defence and Coastal Protection Manager explained that when the team was at full complement of staff a proactive work approach had taken place to assess defences which had allowed the team to reprioritise and refocus for the year ahead with the resources that were available. The department would seek more sustainable ways of how work was prioritised and carried out in the future. Continuous work was being undertaken to seek out grants and funding opportunities.
It was asked what proactive work was being undertaken in regard to informing the public and businesses where to locate sandbags and floodgates should they require them. The Flood Defence and Coastal Protection Manager stated that there was extensive information on flooding matters provided on the Council’s website. In response to comments raised in relation to public information the Flood Defence and Coastal Protection Manager confirmed that a series of communications had been planned to take place this month by way of social media and press releases.
· Reference was made to the comment made in response to measure PPN/001i – ‘Ongoing reactive investigations and proactive work to address the sale of illicit vapes and the underage sale of vapes has required resources to be redirected from routine inspections. Strong concern was raised regarding the increase of illicit vaping and underage use. To enable the Committee to gain a full insight of the extent of the issue and the work that was being undertaken to tackle illicit and underage vaping, it was proposed that a report on this subject be added to the Committee’s Forward Work Plan. This was duly seconded.
5.1 the Quarter 1 Performance Report for 2024/25 be received 5.2 a report providing information on the work of reactive investigations and proactive work that takes place to address the sale of illicit vapes and the underage sale of vapes, be added to the Committee’s Forward Work Plan. |
REVENUE BUDGET OUTTURN REPORT 2023/24 PDF 103 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the Revenue Budget Outturn Report 2023/24 in respect of the Place & Infrastructure and Public Protection Services falling within its remit. It noted that, overall, the services reported a £832k overspend.
The following observations and queries were raised in regard to the report:-
Currently looking at ways to reduce costs by digitisation
Congratulations was expressed to the team for all their hard work. Cabinet Member for Resources emphasised that whilst car parks generate revenue, it is not cost neutral.
· Appendix D(ii) – Road Safety and Traffic Management / Road Closures It was raised that road closures are being put in place on minor fixes causing large diversions where traffic lights should suffice. The Head of Environmental Infrastructure stated that he would look into this matter further and arrange to monitor utility companies closely.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the Revenue Budget Outturn Report for 2023/24 be received.
Minutes: The Committee considered the 2024/25 Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring reports for the Place & Infrastructure and Public Protection Services falling within its remit. The Cabinet Member for Resources presented the report which provided the latest budgetary position as at 30th June 2024.
UNANIMOUSLY Resolved that the Revenue Budget Monitoring Report for 2024/25 be received.
PARKING STRATEGY REVIEW PDF 129 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report on the proposed parking Strategy Review. The purpose of the report was to advise Scrutiny Committee on the forthcoming review of Carmarthenshire’s Parking Strategy. The Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability introduced the report to the Committee in the absence of the Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services.
The following observations and queries were raised in regard to the report:-
The Cabinet Member for Resources informed the Committee that Dyfed Powys Police are currently looking to provide PCSO’s the powers to enforce parking offences.
The Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability explained that whilst enforcement would be included in the report the main emphasis would be in relation to car parking charges. The Committee welcomed the review in order to consider new businesses, footfall and the economic situation that communities are facing.
RESOLVED that the Parking Strategy Review be received
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair informed the Committee that the Business Plans would be duly included onto the Forward Work Plan.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the list of forthcoming items for the Committee meeting to be held on the 20th November 2024 be agreed. |