Venue: Chamber - County Hall, Carmarthen. SA31 1JP and remotely. View directions
Contact: Martin S. Davies 01267 224059
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors T. Davies and H.A.L. Evans and Cabinet Members Councillors P, Hughes, A. Lenny and D. Price. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS Additional documents: Minutes: No public questions had been received.
SICKNESS ABSENCE MONITORING REPORT HALF YEAR/Q2 2022/23 PDF 262 KB Additional documents: Minutes: [NOTE: Cllrs. R. James and K. Madge declared their interest in this item but remained in the meeting for its consideration.] The Committee considered a report which provided sickness absence data for the cumulative period Q2 2022/23 financial year plus a summary of actions.
Amongst the issues raised on the report were the following:
· It was considered that the increased options for staff to work at multi-locations was a positive step in terms of sickness absence levels in that staff could, where possible, continue to work from home where previously they may not have travelled to work; · In terms of job vacancies it was emphasised that there was currently no recruitment freeze though it was acknowledged that it was difficult to attract applicants for some posts. As previously stated some job descriptions had been revisited in an effort to encourage more people to apply for posts and in some instances the Authority was also able to add market supplements to the wage. Members were advised that the Authority had recently achieved Gold Accreditation following a report by an assessor from Investors In People which was a reflection of the support it gave to its employees; · Officers agreed that every effort needed to be made to ensure that the sickness absence measures applied equitably across all staff regardless of their role whether they were office based or front-line workers; · The Employee Wellbeing Manager agreed to provide a departmental breakdown of the 70 Mental Health First Aiders; · In terms of Occupational Health and the demands on the service it was noted that work was being undertaken to look at ways of reshaping the service with possibly a more commercial approach. This would be reported back to the Committee in due course.
The Chair thanked officers for the support being given to staff.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the report be received.
A VISION FOR THE NEXT PHASE OF THE COUNCIL'S TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME PDF 122 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considereda report setting out a vision/business case for the new phase of the Council’s transformation and change programme, which would be used to inform the development of a Transformation Strategy over the next 5 years. The aim of the strategy would be to design and implement a programme of internal change and transformation to support the Council in the delivery of its vision and priorities as set out within its Corporate Strategy.
Amongst the issues raised on the report were the following:
· It was acknowledged that there was a need to improve the sharing of best practice across the authority; · It was noted that procedures would be introduced to monitor outcomes and to determine whether any further support was required once recommended changes and transformations had been embedded.
The TIC Programme Manager paid tribute to Bernadette Dolan, a valued member of the TIC team, who had recently passed away.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the report be received.
CARMARTHENSHIRE PUBLIC SERVICES BOARD (PSB) MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 2022 PDF 128 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the minutes of the meeting of the Carmarthenshire Public Services Board [PSB] held on the 28th September, 2022.The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 required that a designated local government scrutiny committee was appointed to scrutinise the work of the PSB. In Carmarthenshire, the Council’s Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee had been designated as the relevant scrutiny committee.
The Corporate Policy, Performance & Partnership Manager advised that the New Ways of Working space at Llandeilo referred to in the minutes was now open for use. She added that a workshop had recently been held for all PSB representatives in view of the number of new members at which the issue of attendance at PSB meetings had been raised.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the minutes of the PSB meeting held on the 28th September, 2022 be received.
Minutes: [NOTE: Cllrs. A. Evans and K. Madge declared their interest in this item but remained in the meeting for its consideration.]
The Committee considered the Authority’s Corporate Budget Monitoring Report and the Chief Executive’s and Corporate Services departmental reports as at 31st August 2022 in respect of the 2022/23 financial year. The report also included an appendix detailing Savings Monitoring 2022-23.
Amongst the issues and queries raised on the report were the following:
· In response to a repeated concern regarding the number of vacant posts in the customer service centres it was reiterated that the vacancies continued to be advertised; · In response to a comment it was confirmed that the proposed realignment of the marketing and media division was proceeding; · It was noted that there was only one vacancy in the IT division not 5 as indicated in the report; · The Head of Financial Services agreed to pursue a possible reduction in bank charges.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to receive the report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the Mid-Year Treasury Management and Prudential Indicator report for the period 1st April 2022 – 30th September 2022 to ensure that the activities undertaken were consistent with the requirements of the Treasury Management Policy and Strategy for 2022-23 adopted by Council on the 2nd March, 2022.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to receive the report.
SCRUTINY ACTION UPDATE PDF 107 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report detailing actions, requests or referrals emerging from previous scrutiny meetings.
With regard to action Action ref. P&R 008 21/22 the Corporate Policy, Performance & Partnership Manager advised that the Communities, Homes and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee would be considering a progress update report on the Ten Towns Initiative at its meeting on the 19th December, 2022 which she would arrange to be circulated.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the report detailing progress in relation to actions, requests or referrals emerging from previous scrutiny meetings, be noted.
Additional documents:
Minutes: UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the list of forthcoming items to be considered at the next scheduled meeting be received. |
MINUTES - 19TH OCTOBER, 2022 PDF 110 KB Additional documents: Minutes: UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 19th October 2022 be signed as a correct record.