Venue: Chamber - County Hall, Carmarthen. SA31 1JP and remotely. View directions
Contact: Martin Davies 01267 224059
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors L. Davies, R. James and A.G. Morgan.
[*Declaration made immediately prior to the item being discussed.] |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS Additional documents: Minutes: No public questions had been received.
CORPORATE PERFORMANCE & RESOURCES SCRUTINY COMMITTEE FORWARD WORK PLAN FOR 2023/24 PDF 129 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered its Forward Work Programme for 2023/2024 prepared in accordance with the Council’s Constitution which required Scrutiny Committees to develop and publish annual forward work programmes identifying issues and reports to be considered at meetings during the course of the municipal year.
Members were reminded that at the informal meeting held in regard to the Committee’s draft Forward Work Programme there had been a consensus that in light of recently expressed concerns it might be appropriate for the Committee, initially, to receive a report and presentation on the operation of the Council’s contact centres at an informal session.
4.1 that the Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee’s 2023/24 Forward Work Programme be endorsed; 4.2 that arrangements be made for the Committee to receive a report and presentation on the operation of the Council’s contact centres at an informal session.
Minutes: The Leader presented, for the Committee’s consideration, the Chief Executive’s Department’s Divisional Delivery Plans for 2023-24 encompassing:
· ICT and Corporate Policy; · People Management; •Legal and Administration; •Electoral and Civil Registration; •Marketing and Media/Translation Services; •Business and Cabinet Support.
The Plans detailed the strategic actions and measures that the services would take to make progress against the Council’s Well-being Objectives, thematic priorities and service priorities.
Amongst the issues raised during consideration of the report/Plans were the following:
ICT and Corporate Policy · Members were assured that cyber-security was taken extremely seriously and the Authority took a multi-faceted and robust approach to the prevention of cyber-attacks; · In response to a comment the Head of ICT and Corporate Policy stated that over 90% of Freedom of Information requests were responded to within 20 working days; · It was noted that the new Back-Office system and On-line Portal for greater Citizen Access and Self-Service would enable members of the public to receive feedback on issues/requests submitted by them; · In response to a query the Leader stated that the Tackling Poverty Advisory Panel would be chaired by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Homes with membership on a cross-party politically proportionate basis. He stated that reports to the Panel could be made available to the Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee if it wished. He thanked all members for their input into the tackling poverty agenda;
People Management [NOTE: Cllr. K. Madge, having earlier declared an interest in this Divisional Delivery Plan, remained in the meeting for its consideration. Cllr. M.J.A. Lewis declared an interest in this Divisional Delivery Plan as a niece worked in the Education & Children Department but remained in the meeting for its consideration.] · In response to a query regarding increasing demand on the Occupational Health team the Assistant Chief Executive (People Management) acknowledged that referrals, particularly to the well-being service, had increased as a result of covid. Referrals arising from long-covid issues remained low; · It was acknowledged that the target of June 2023 to ‘review relevant HR policies to support the development of a more flexible and dynamic workforce’ was ambitious but managers were being provided with bespoke training particularly in regard to managing a post-pandemic ‘hybrid’ workforce which was both office and home based. It was hoped that flexibility would benefit individuals and the Authority; · In response to question the Assistant Chief Executive (People Management) responded that he had asked the TIC team to review its programme specifically with the aim of strengthening the service. The hope was expressed that a properly resourced TIC team could possibly generate income; · the Assistant Chief Executive (People Management), in response to a comment, stated that more data would be included in the Delivery Plan in regard to apprenticeships;
Legal and Administration [NOTE: Cllr A. Evans, having earlier declared an interest in ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Resources presented, for the Committee’s consideration, the Corporate Services Department’s Divisional Delivery Plans for 2023-24 encompassing:
· Revenues and Financial Compliance Service Delivery Plan 2023-24; · Financial Services Delivery Plan 2023-24.
The Plans detailed the strategic actions and measures that the services would take to make progress against the Council’s Well-being Objectives, thematic priorities and service priorities.
Amongst the issues raised during consideration of the report/Plans were the following:
Revenues and Financial Compliance Service Delivery Plan 2023-24 · In response to a question the Head of Revenues & Financial compliance clarified that ‘Local Taxation’ in regard to the Budget 2023/2024 related specifically to the staffing costs of council tax – the recovery team for council tax and NNDR [National Non-Domestic Rates] and the NNDR administration staff. Whilst some income was received for administration costs via subsidy not all the costs were covered. The income received also reflected the fees recovered when debts were repaid.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the Corporate Services Department’sDivisional Delivery Plans be received.
Additional documents: Minutes: UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the list of forthcoming items to be considered at the next scheduled meeting be received.
MINUTES - 31ST MARCH 2023 PDF 95 KB Additional documents: Minutes: UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 31st March 2023 be signed as a correct record.</AI10> <TRAILER_SECTION>