Venue: Chamber - County Hall, Carmarthen. SA31 1JP and remotely. View directions
Contact: Martin Runeckles 01267 224674
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
There were no declarations of prohibited party whips. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS (NONE RECEIVED) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair advised that no public questions had been received. |
REVENUE BUDGET STRATEGY CONSULTATION 2025/26 to 2027/28 Additional documents:
Minutes: (NOTE: Councillors R. Sparks and H.B Shepardson having earlier declared their interests in this item, redeclared the interests and remained in the meeting for their consideration)
The Committee considered a report on the Revenue Budget Strategy Consultation for 2025/26 to 2027/28. The objective of the report was to allow members to consider the corporate budget strategy for the financial years 2025/26 to 2027/28 and consider the service delivery impact and options. The report was approved at Cabinet on the 13th January for consultation, the Scrutiny Committee being a part of this consultation. The Committee was provided the latest budget reduction proposals, and considered the budget validation and service pressures, taking into account the provisional settlement from Welsh Government.
The Committee was advised that the late timing of budgets at UK Government and Welsh Government level had condensed the budget timetable. The public consultation had begun before the authority was able to prepare a full draft budget and the Welsh Government budget is not due to be finalised until the 25th February, the day before the Council’s final budget is considered.
It was advised that the settlement figures for Carmarthenshire were an uplift in the provisional settlement of 4.1%. When grant transfers were taken into account, the pure cash value increase was over £25m.
The Committee was advised that all areas had been looked at for savings, and that £8.6m of departmental budget reductions had been found for 2025/26 and £6m over the subsequent two years.
The Committee was advised of various additional pressures on the budget including social care, teacher pay awards, inflation and the employers NI increase. Some areas of mitigation were also addressed, including an uplift in the housing support grant and savings in energy provision.
The following issues / questions were raised on the report:
· In response to a question regarding unrealised efficiency savings in previous years, the Committee was advised that this is reviewed as part of the budget construction and that these savings are monitored beyond the financial year they are assigned to. There were 70 to 80 proposals for savings, and the Committee was told that it was inevitable that some were undeliverable, but that Scrutiny has a key role in year to examine this through its Budget Monitoring Reports. The Committee agreed that it would be helpful in future to focus on those areas where there is most risk. · A question was asked regarding the Council’s general reserves, and the Committee was told that the current reserves are at 2.9% of the overall budget, slightly below the recommended level of 3%, but that there was an extra £2m in the budget as a buffer to meet any unforeseen costs. · The issue of staff wellbeing during a period of pressure on them was raised, and it was advised that while there was a great deal of pressure on officers, there were various wellbeing initiatives to help. The Council must be creative about how workload is dealt with as it is often ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
2025/26 BUSINESS PLANS Additional documents:
Minutes: (NOTE: Councillors H.A.L Evans and R. Sparks having earlier declared their interests in this item, redeclared the interests and remained in the meeting for its consideration)
The Committee considered reports on the 2025/26 Business Plans for the following service areas:
· Economic Development & Property · Leisure · Housing Property & Strategic Projects · Housing
The Committee was advised that the Business Plans are in place to allow the Council to achieve its wellbeing aims and maintain service delivery. It is under a general duty to make sure that it correctly measures the deliverables to assess the progress being made, and that citizens, members and regulators consider the best way of achieving what is set out.
The Scrutiny Committee was asked to review the proposed actions and measures within the Business Plans and provide any recommendations, comments or advice.
The following questions or issues were raised regarding the reports:
· It was noted that 31% of respondents to the Economic Development & Property Divisional Delivery Plan consultation expressed dissatisfaction with the service area, and that the scores were lowest for the Llanelli area, indicating poor resident perception of the town centre. There was also mention made of a floor lighting display in Llanelli town centre and the question of whether this was value for money. It was advised that this had been noted and further information would be given at a later date. · The Committee was advised in response to a question regarding community promotion and engagement to improve health and reduce inequalities, that this was part of the Public Protection service area that had recently moved to come under the Leisure department. It was advised that this move would allow more collaborative work between this team and Leisure services. · In response to a query regarding the 24/7 health and fitness offer in Carmarthen, the Committee was advised that this would be through a new gym and studio space in the old Debenhams building in the town centre. · Risks to the Leisure service’s revenue through inclement weather were highlighted, and in response to a question regarding mitigation of this in the future, it was advised that along with the existing indoor facilities, there was work being carried out to assess the potential for more all-weather pitches. The Committee was advised that while there wasn’t any money in the budget for this, there were external grants that could be sought. · The Committee was advised in response to a question regarding the lack of a sauna or steam room in the Pentre Awel leisure centre development, that this had been considered, but due to the provision of these services privately at places such as Machynys and other hotels it was considered unnecessary.
RESOLVED THAT IT BE RECOMMENDED TO THE CABINET/COUNCIL that the Business Plans for Economic Development & Property, Leisure, Housing Property & Strategic Projects and Housing be adopted
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a list of forthcoming items to be considered at its next meeting to be held on the 4th March, 2025
RESOLVED that the list of forthcoming items to be considered at the next scheduled meeting on the 4th March, 2025 be approved. |