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Contact: Julie Owens 01267 224088
No. | Item | |||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND PERSONAL MATTERS Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Additional documents: Minutes:
TO SIGN AS A CORRECT RECORD THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON THE 26 JANUARY 2024 PDF 82 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Panel meeting held on the 26th January 2024 be signed as a correct record. |
MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (IF ANY) Additional documents: Minutes: 26th January 2024 - minute 5: the Commissioner advised that he had met with the First Minister and his senior ministerial colleagues to discuss the budgetary implications to policing in Wales emanating from the current budget settlement and Welsh Government draft budget 2024/25. |
PEEL ASSESSMENT 2023-2025 AND RESPONSE BY THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER PDF 99 KB Additional documents: Minutes: [NOTE: Councillor S. Hancock, having earlier declared an interest in this item remained in the meeting during its consideration and voting thereof.]
The Panel considered a report which set out the findings of the HMICFRS Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy (PEEL) assessment of Dyfed-Powys Police. The assessment rated the force as ‘adequate’ in 6 categories and as ‘requiring improvement’ in 2 categories and noted areas of good practice where improvements had already been made, together with areas which required further improvements.
Consideration was given to the Commissioner’s response to the PEEL assessment which detailed the work that had been done to address the areas of concern and setting out the further steps planned.
Reference was made to the recent announcement that UK government funding amounting to £1m would be provided to Dyfed Powys Police to reduce anti-social behaviour. The Commissioner provided an assurance that the funding would be utilised appropriately, on an evidence-based approach and in accordance with the grant funding terms and conditions for the benefit of communities across the force area.
In response to a query in respect of domestic abuse incidents, the Commissioner clarified that robust policies and procedures were in place, however continuous training and development was required to ensure consistency in the implementation and delivery of the procedures.
An assurance was provided that continuous improvement would be driven by the established governance structures within the force and the continued monitoring of areas of best practice.
The Commissioner, in response to a query, expressed that he fully accepted the independent assessment report whilst also acknowledging the subjective nature of graded judgements. In particular, the Commissioner was disappointed that performance within the ‘developing a positive workforce’ category required improvement as the force had been accredited the gold standard Investors in People award in recent years and were striving towards Platinum accreditation. The Panel was advised that a Retention Officer had been appointed in an endeavour to reduce staff turnover rates and an array of measures were being explored to enhance the health and wellbeing of employees.
The assessment deemed that the ‘protecting vulnerable people’ category required improvement and it was noted that this would be a focus area for the force in going forward. Furthermore, the Commissioner felt that additional investment was required in the telephony system within the ‘responding to the public’ category. In this regard, Panel Members conveyed feedback from the public regarding the substantial length of the automated 101 telephony system. The Commissioner clarified that the triage system was required to assess the urgency of calls and therefore resources would be deployed at the earliest opportunity for those in urgent need of assistance.
A concern was raised in respect of the significant backlog in processing DBS checks. The Commissioner, in acknowledging the concerns, highlighted that the situation was improving and stated his intention to raise the matter at the next meeting of the Policing Board. It was noted that a written response would be provided to the Panel in due course.
A discussion ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
TACKLING FRAUD AND CYBER CRIME PDF 86 KB Additional documents: Minutes: [NOTE: Councillor S. Hancock, having earlier declared an interest in this item remained in the meeting during its consideration and voting thereof.]
The Panel considered a report on fraud and cyber-crime, which had been provided by the Commissioner at the request of the Panel to provide an assurance on the progress made since 2019 and to elaborate upon the information contained in the Commissioner’s last annual report regarding this issue.
The Commissioner set out the national context and provided a comprehensive update on the ongoing work within the Force to tackle threats in relation to fraud, sextortion blackmail, courier fraud, cyber-crime and financial investigation. Panel Members were also provided with a synopsis of the communications, support and success stories to address the matter.
The Commissioner assured Panel Members that he was confident of the expertise within the Dyfed-Powys Police Economic Crime Team who were committed to safeguarding communities by effectively tackling complex challenges. It was highlighted that the work being conducted by the team in respect of vulnerable victims had been recognised at a national level and continued to be well regarded by HMICFRS. The Commissioner emphasised that whilst progress was being made in accordance with priority 2 (Prevention of Harm) of the Police and Crime Plan, resourcing of the department would need to be regularly reviewed given the continual evolvement of fraud and cyber-crime capabilities.
In response to queries raised, the Commissioner provided a synopsis of the role and involvement of external specialist agencies in the investigation of complex cases of fraud identified by local police forces. It was emphasised that a victim-centred approach, together with investment in prevention activity would enhance resilience in this area.
The Commissioner, in response to a query, provided an overview of the measures in place to tackle the issue of electoral fraud.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
POLICING PROTOCOL - PERFORMANCE REPORT PDF 89 KB Additional documents: Minutes: [NOTE: Councillor S. Hancock, having earlier declared an interest in this item remained in the meeting during its consideration and voting thereof.]
The Panel considered a performance report in relation to the Policing Protocol for Q3 of the financial year 2023-24. The report detailed the progress made in respect of the 50 actions introduced to measure compliance with the powers and duties set out in the Policing Protocol Order 2011.
In response to a query raised, the Commissioner expressed his disappointment that funding for the ‘Drugs Strategy Out of Court Disposal’ initiative had been withdrawn and noted that work was ongoing to establish if any activity could be delivered within this important area of work.
The Commissioner provided a synopsis of the role of the External Funding Manager and noted that further opportunities to maximise income generation and sponsorship was a focus area in going forward. Reference was also made to the Shared Prosperity Fund Board whereby the Commissioner noted that confirmation would be provided to the Panel as to which Board regions the Commissioner’s Office was represented on.
The Commissioner, in response to comments made, acknowledged that further work was required to strengthen relationships with communities by way of community policing and engagement activities. Panel Members were informed of the Force’s intention to introduce a new Police Crime Prevention Strategy and Neighbourhood Policing Plan and an assurance was provided that progress within this area would be considered at the next meeting of the Policing Board.
The Commissioner clarified to Panel Members that victims of crime could apply for financial compensation through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme whereas forfeiture from proceeds of crime would be disseminated to the Treasury and Police Forces for reinvestment within communities.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
OPCC BUSINESS PLAN - PROGRESS REPORT PDF 82 KB Additional documents: Minutes: [NOTE: Councillor S. Hancock and Mrs. H. Thomas, having earlier declared an interest in this item remained in the meeting during its consideration and voting thereof.]
The Panel considered a report which summarised the progress made by the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner during Quarter 3 2023/24 in delivering the requirements of its Business Plan. Panel Members were advised that the Business Plan was aligned to the priorities outlined in the Police and Crime Plan for 2021/2025.
The report detailed the 51 actions, 2 of which were categorised as red status, 29 amber status and 20 green status. The report noted that a decision had been made to defer one action to the next Business Plan.
Reference was made to Priority Area 3 pertaining to an Effective Justice System. The Commissioner provided a synopsis of the Force’s endeavours to introduce a Women’s Centre, by way of a partnership approach, as part of its evaluation of the system approach to female offending.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
DECISIONS MADE BY THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER PDF 83 KB Additional documents: Minutes: [NOTE: Councillor S. Hancock, having earlier declared an interest in this item remained in the meeting during its consideration and voting thereof.]
The Panel considered a report on decisions taken by the Commissioner between 17th October 2023 to 7th February 2024.
The Panel commended the Operation Tinsel initiative as a means of engaging with vulnerable citizens and supporting communities and suggested that the matter be raised at the next meeting of the Policing Board with a view to extending the initiative across the Force area.
RESOLVED that the report be received. |