“The government’s Serious Violence strategy published in April 2018 discusses a number of factors believed to contribute to the levels of serious violence in our communities. In particular at pages 29-30 the strategy discusses links between alcohol consumption, licensed premises and serious violence. Although it appears from the data contained in the strategy that the incidence of serious violence in Dyfed-Powys is comparatively low, please can the Commissioner confirm what progress has been made in developing a joint response to alcohol related crime and to promote a safer night time economy as referred to in Priority 1 in the Police and Crime Plan and provide the Panel with a copy of that joint response?”
Question by Councillor A. Lloyd Jones:
“The government’s Serious Violence strategy published in April 2018 discusses a number of factors believed to contribute to the levels of serious violence in our communities. In particular at pages 29-30 the strategy discusses links between alcohol consumption, licensed premises and serious violence. Although it appears from the data contained in the strategy that the incidence of serious violence in Dyfed-Powys is comparatively low, please can the Commissioner confirm what progress has been made in developing a joint response to alcohol related crime and to promote a safer night time economy as referred to in Priority 1 in the Police and Crime Plan and provide the Panel with a copy of that joint response?”
Response by the Police and Crime Commissioner:
“The government’s Serious Violence Strategy was launched in April 2018 to provide support to Forces in response to the rise in Violent Crime. Thankfully, incidents of serious violent crime are low in the Dyfed Powys area; however this does not mean that we are immune to these issues. This week, I had an update from the Home Office in relation to the strategy and was told that there would be an additional fund of £11million available for forces to bid for to support of the implementation of this strategy. It is worth noting that as the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner I feel that this strategy is predominantly aimed at urban areas in reaction to the significant escalation of serious violent crime and murders in London.
Dyfed-Powys Police has a multi-faceted partnership approach to tackling both drug and alcohol related disorder locally. For example, the work of our county licensing officers in liaison with the four Unitary Authorities and initiatives such as the #bignightout where additional resources were made available during the Christmas festive period show how Dyfed Powys Police proactively responds. It is also worth noting the considerable amount of work, and the impact the school and community liaison officers have on young people. These officers deliver a standard curriculum across Wales delivering messages on personal security and safety as well as the dangers of alcohol and substance misuse. It is of concern however, that there are indications from Welsh Government that they will withdraw the funding from the All Wales School Liaison programme from April 2019. I am lobbying alongside the other 3 PCCs in Wales to influence the Welsh Government’s position on this matter although a recent communications received from the Cabinet Secretary for Health in Welsh Government does not indicate a change of position is currently being considered.
Investment has also been made in technology. For example, as part of the capital programme I supported the invested in over 800 body worn video cameras for uniformed officers. Since their inception there has been anecdotal information indicating an increase in early guilty pleas and suspects admitting their disorderly behaviour when presented with the evidence during interview however, further evaluation must be completed. Furthermore, there is also a preventative element in that the cameras overtly emit a red flashing light when activated and remind members of the public that their behaviour is being recorded and could be used in a court of law.”