The Panel received the agenda, reports and minutes for the Police Accountability Board meeting held on the 13th February 2018.
In response to a concern about the number of motorcyclist road casualties which seemed to involve older male riders on powerful bikes the PCC referred to the work by Dyfed Powys Police and other partners through Operation ‘Darwin’ which targeted older and younger riders to educate them about the importance of safety and, where appropriate, law enforcement.
Reference was made to the fact that the ‘Target 25% reduction in the total number of motorcyclists killed and seriously injured by 2020’ had not been achieved over 10 years and it was suggested that the target should perhaps be set at a level that was attainable.
The PCC paid tribute to the work being undertaken by the Goleudy Victim and Witness Service.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the issues raised at the Police Accountability Board meeting held on the 13th February 2018 be noted.
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