Agenda item



[NOTE:  Councillor G. Jones had earlier declared an interest in this item.]


The Committee considered the Performance Monitoring Report for the period 1st April to 30th June 2018 (Quarter 1), which set out the progress against actions and measures in the New Corporate Strategy 2018-23 to deliver the 2018/19 Well-being Objectives relevant to the Committee’s remit, as at 30th June, 2018.


The following questions/observations were raised on the report:-


·       Concern was expressed that of the 27 measures reported, 20 have either not started or data is not collected for quarter 1 and 2 are not available.  Also the with regard to the 67 actions reported as being on target, it was pointed out that the targets dates are not until 2019/20.  The Head of Education Services explained that the term “on target” is historic and what is meant is that in relation to performance in quarter 1, officers do not perceive any challenges to meeting the targets;

·       Concern was expressed over the format of the report in that themes 11 and 13 appeared between themes 1 and 2.  Officers agreed to look at the formatting of future reports;

·       With regard to the percentage of children who have re-registered on the Child Protection Register, officers were asked how the target is set.   The Committee was advised that it is a national target and is a comparator across Welsh Authorities;

·       With regard to the action to develop Welsh in all our education services, officers were asked about the workshop sessions and whether parents and individual children are targeted.  The Head of Curriculum and Wellbeing explained that the aim of the workshops was to break down the vision into parts.  Unfortunately, they were poorly attended and it was hoped to re-run the workshop at the next Primary and Secondary Heads meeting.  He added that with regard to involving parents, he goes out to speak to parents with the Authority’s Welsh Language Development Manager;

·       Schools are being asked to encourage parents to pursue bilingual education for their children and officers were asked what is being done with regard to persuading those parents who have decided against bilingual education.  The Head of Curriculum and Wellbeing explained that all the necessary information is contained in the school prospectus and the Information for Parents booklet which is sent to parents of all children about to start school;

·       Reference was made to previous concerns raised by the Committee regarding Mutual Investment Models and private companies making a profit from education and officers were asked for an update.  The Head of Access to Education advised the Committee that the concerns raised are shared by other Local Authorities.  Officers are awaiting a steer from the Welsh Government, following which a report will be prepared for presentation to Committee;

·       In relation to proposed modernisation projects at Ysgol Rhys Pritchard, officers were asked if the catchment areas in the Dinefwr area are going to be looked at.  The Head of Access to Education agreed that the catchment areas need looking at as they haven’t been reviewed since 2010 due to a lack of resources.  However, he pointed out that the fundamental question to be addressed moving forward is whether we need catchment areas and he was in the process of looking into this option and finding out what other Local Authorities do;

·       Reference was made to the recent tragic event at St. John Lloyd School and to two other similar untimely deaths in the county and officers were asked if they are happy that mental and physical health is enough of a priority for the Authority.  The Head of Education Services assured the Committee that it is a priority, however, one body cannot address this issue alone and a multi-agency approach was essential.  The Head of Curriculum and Wellbeing stressed the importance of ensuring that schools are places which are welcoming, safe and empathetic.  He added that a Wellbeing Strategy is being formulated, which is scheduled in the forward work programme to be scrutinised in March 2019.  The safeguarding and wellbeing of our children is of utmost importance and wellbeing, care, support and guidance form part of the training package offered to all schools.


RESOLVED that the report be received.




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