Agenda item



The Committee considered a report which appended a draft Local Toilets Strategy which had been developed in accordance with Part 8 of the Public Health (Wales) Act 2017 whereby the County Council had a statutory duty to publish a Local Toilets Strategy for Carmarthenshire.


The Strategy incorporated the feedback and responses received following a Needs Assessment survey undertaken during October / November 2018. Outlined within the report were the key findings of a consultation exercise which was undertaken between the 25th March and the 12th May 2019 via the consultation facility on the Council’s website.


In addition, an Equalities Impact Assessment appended to the report, identified no negative impacts and an increase of public access to toilet provisions were being sought.


Members noted that whilst there was no statutory requirement for local authorities to provide public toilets, the strategy aimed to mitigate any potential impacts where a loss of toilet provision may occur.  The proposals set out within the Draft Local Toilets Strategy were developed to enhance and maximise the use of existing facilities and promote additional, appropriate and accessible toilet provision for public use.  In addition, the recommendations from this strategy would support the vision of a healthy Carmarthenshire which values diversity, equality and social inclusion, as well as providing support to the people, businesses and the communities within the County.


The following questions/issues were raised on the report:-


·         In response to a query raised regarding cleansing public toilets, the Municipal Services and Compliance Manager explained that whilst the Council supervise the running and services of 19 public toilets throughout the County, Danfo were currently contracted to maintain the cleanliness of the 9 public toilet blocks which the Council’s Waste and Environmental Services were responsible for, extra visits were arranged as and when necessary.  Further information in relation to the Individual responsibilities for each facility was provided in Appendix A of the Strategy.


·         Reference was made to the feedback received following the consultation, it was commented that whilst it was noted that it was not a statutory duty for the Council to provide toilet facilities, strong concern was raised regarding the provision of facilities and cleanliness particularly as the Council were promoting to increase tourism across the County.   A further comment was raised which echoed the concern adding that the provision of toilets was essential in tourist locations. 


·         A query raised regarding additional toilets, the Head of Waste and Environmental Services stated that the Council did not have any plans in place to provide additional toilets as there was no capital budget.  In response to an additional query regarding the lack of public toilets available within out of town developments such as Pensarn, Carmarthen, the Head of Waste and Environmental Services stated that whilst the Council had no powers to insist that new developments open their toilets to the public, options could be considered whereby the Council could potentially pay a contribution to encourage businesses to open their toilets to the public.


·         It was asked, if it was possible to transfer the ownership of public toilets to the private sector?  The Head of Waste and Environmental Services stated that this could be an option and would be considered on an individual basis.


·         Reference was made to the development project within Pendine and the increase in tourism, a concern was raised regarding the current provision of public toilets within Pendine.  The Municipal Services and Compliance Manager reported that the main toilet block of containing 14 toilets had been demolished to make way for the new development.  In the meantime, limited facilities were available, the Cliffside/Springwell facility had been opened temporarily for the summer period on a 24hour basis, whilst construction was underway at the seafront and there was a very limited facility at the Parry Thomas Centre.


·         It was commented that the consultation had not sought any views from tourists visiting Carmarthenshire.  The Head of Waste and Environmental Services acknowledged the comment and stated that one of the recommendations within the strategy included the formation of a Toilet Strategy Study Group (TSSG), which would be an initial driver to assimilate all relevant information gathered and held on public provision across the Council.  It was reported that, once the study group had been assembled the next phase would be to liaise with local commercial/business representatives and other representative groups to have an input on future opportunities.


It was proposed that a representative of the Environmental and Public Protection scrutiny Committee attend the TSSG.




4.1       that the Draft Local Toilets Strategy be approved;


4.2       a representative from the Environmental and Public Protection Scrutiny Committee attend the Toilet Strategy Study Group.


Supporting documents: