The Committee considered a report and draft plan which outlined a route towards becoming a net zero carbon Local Authority by 2030. The Plan was developed in accordance with Council’s unanimous decision on 20th February, 2019 [minute 7.1 refers] to support the Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr Aled Vaughan Owen:
“…we propose that Carmarthenshire County Council:
1. Declare a climate emergency
2. Commit to making Carmarthenshire County Council a net zero carbon local authority by 2030
3. Develop a clear plan for a route towards being net zero carbon within 12 months
4. Call on Welsh and UK Governments to provide the necessary support and resources to enable effective carbon reductions
5. Work with Public Services Board and Swansea Bay City Deal partners to develop exciting opportunities to deliver carbon savings
6. Collaborate with experts from the private sector and 3rd sectors to develop innovative solutions to becoming net zero carbon.”
The report recommended that a pragmatic approach be adopted which initially focused on the carbon emissions that were presently measured by the Council from non-domestic buildings, street lighting, fleet mileage and Business mileage.
The Executive Board Member for Communities and Rural Affairs emphasised that this approach would need to be sufficiently flexible in order to accommodate changing circumstances, including consideration of the reporting requirements yet to be introduced by Welsh Government as part of its ambition for a carbon neutral public sector by 2030.
It was emphasised that within the confines of the draft action plan, ‘Net Zero Carbon’ and ‘Carbon Neutral’ are inter-changeable and that the actions identified in the draft action plan would be reported on annual basis.
The Committee noted that whilst the preferred primary method of compensating for the Council’s residual carbon footprint would be to significantly increase the amount of renewable energy generated, this would require significant financing. Therefore, it was essential to establish a robust business case for each potential renewable energy project.
The following matters were raised in relation to the report:-
· Concern was raised that the local electricity distribution network did not have sufficient capacity to enable the Council to pursue its aim of significantly increasing the amount of renewable energy generated on its land. The Executive Board Member for Communities and Rural Affairs reported that discussions had taken place with the Leader of the Council to gain a joint approach in order to lobby the electricity distribution network operator - Western Power Distribution - to gain additional capacity on the network.
· In response to a query regarding working in collaboration with Public Service Boards (PSB) the Sustainable Development Manager stated that in order to build upon previous joint working, Carmarthenshire PSB would be holding a workshop to establish how member organisations were responding to climate change, outlining current and planned activity within their organisations and to identify opportunities for collaboration across PSB partners. The Executive Board Member added that he was keen to work collaboratively with Public Service Board’s with the intention of avoiding a duplication of efforts.
· In response to a comment raised in relation to the Councils electric charging provision within County owned carparks and staff carparks, the Sustainable Development Manager stated that funding for an additional 26 charging points had been secured. In addition, the Executive Board Member for Environment assured the Committee that the Council would continue to apply for grant funding for charging points annually.
· Reference was made to a recent conference organised by Head of Property, it was commented that as the content of the conference was very informative, it was suggested that this be simulated for the purposes of Elected Members. The Sustainable Development Manager agreed and stated that a workshop for all members would be organised in due course.
· In response to a query in relation to electric vehicles, the Executive Board Member for Environment stated that there were proposals to work with partners and agencies to create a more sustainable environment by way of a new infrastructure, including an investment in rapid charging points for electric vehicles. In addition, Members were informed that an electric refuse lorry was currently on trial and should this be successful, the Council’s refuse fleet would be more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.
· The Sustainable Development Manager, in response to a query raised in relation to integration reported that draft templates for undertaking Integrated Impact Assessment on Council proposals and decisions had been agreed for a period of testing before the introduction during 2020. During the testing phase, the inclusion of Environment (Wales) Act 2016 impact assessment requirements would help to put climate change / carbon reduction within the DNA of the Council.
· Reference was made to the list of the Council’s top energy consuming/carbon emitting buildings (2018/19) on page 4 of the report. Disappointment was expressed that Ysgol Bro Dinefwr was named in the top 10 particularly as it was a new modern building. The Sustainable Development Manager explained the school was included in the list due to it being a large substantial school with a high energy demand and the consumption measurement did not reflect the occupancy and floor area. Furthermore, Ysgol Bro Dinefwr hosted one of the Council’s largest arrays of renewable energy technologies in terms of solar panels.
· With a view to relay the plan to communities, it was requested that a more accessible version be created including a version suitable for a young person to understand.
Committee Members expressed their gratitude to Officers for their hard work in developing the plan and for their commitment to deliver.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO EXECUTIVE BOARD that the draft Net Zero Carbon Plan be endorsed.
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