Agenda item



The Chair welcomed to the meeting Dr. Michael Holding of the Care Inspectorate Wales.


The Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) had led an inspection in collaboration with Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) to explore how well Carmarthenshire County Council with its partners was promoting independence and preventing escalating needs for older adults.  The inspection had identified where progress had been made and where improvements were required. 


The Committee thereupon received a presentation providing an overview of the inspection. Key points covered included:


Strengths – Collaborative working, shared vision, communication and support.

Priorities for improvement – Consistency, quality assurance, establish and embed preventative working.

Key findings – shared culture, satisfaction with the services, lack of evidence of progress monitoring, pressure on service due to staff absences, good management and support, well led safeguarding practices, staff not always aware of available services, good standard of mental capacity assessments, significant links with telecare and assisted technology.


The presentation was followed by a question and answer session during which the following questions / observations were raised:


·         It was asked if family carers had been interviewed during the inspection process.

The Committee was advised that family carers had been spoken to and that positive feedback had been received. 

·         It was asked if staff were interviewed on their own or with their managers.

The Committee was advised that staff were interviewed on their own to avoid potential influence.

·         It was asked how the files inspected had been selected.

The Committee was advised that the files had been selected by CIW.  Fifty to sixty random files had been selected covering different categories of referrals.

·         The Committee noted that one area of improvement was communication of available services, information and advice.

The Head of Joint Strategic Commissioning advised that work had been done in this area and information packs and regional documents on carers support were being updated and refreshed.  Other areas of work included looking at good practices, Investors in Carers Programme and Carers passport.  Work was also underway with HR to establish support and infrastructure for employees who were also carers.   The Head of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities advised the Committee that a Carers Information Assessment Officer hadn’t been in post for the last 12 months but hoped this post would be replaced soon to enable the team to be more proactive.


The Interim Head of Integrated Services concluded that the report was a balanced and fair report and accurately reflected the current position of Integrated Services.  The report recognised officers for their hard work, commitment and good practices.


Many officers were in attendance at the meeting and the Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked them for their hard work and commitment.  The Chair acknowledged the challenges they faced with less funding and more demand on services.



4.1       the Care Inspectorate Wales Inspection of Older Adults’ Services report be noted.

4.2       the Care Inspectorate Wales Action Plan be approved.

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