Agenda item



The Committee considered the Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report in relation to the Social Care and Health Service, which provided an update on the latest budgetary position as at 31st October 2019, in respect of the 2019/20 financial year.


The Social Care & Health Service was projecting an overspend of £986K on the revenue budget and net variance of £4K against the 2019/20 approved capital budget.


Amongst the questions / observations raised during consideration of the report were the following:


Appendix A – Summary Position

·         It was noted that the August figure of £816K overspend had increased to £986K in October.  It was asked if there was an indication of the current position.

The Group Accountant advised that there are a variety of factors to consider but that previous years’ trends would indicate the possibility of a reduction in the figure.


Appendix B – Main Variances

·         Reference was made to the overspend on agency staff and how this was also an issue for the Health Board.

The Head of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities confirmed that this was a particular issue for residential care, however a significant amount of work had been done in this area and that a reduction had been seen.  Agency staff would only typically be used if first line services were at risk.

·         Reference was made to the increase of Direct Payments for physical disabilities.  It was asked how payments were being monitored to ensure that payments remained relevant.

The Senior Business Support Manager advised that care management reviews were undertaken. The Audit and Compliance Team ensured payments were being used correctly and any issues identified raised with care management.  The Committee was informed that a direct payments report was in the process of being developed.

·         It was asked if there was evidence that direct payments were being misused and if clients were being taken advantage of.

The Senior Business Support Manager advised that Direct Payments was higher risk than engaging with regulated providers, however there were safeguards in place to limit risks.

·         Clarification was asked regarding the £1,000 administration fee charged to individuals who were self-funding residential placements.

The Senior Business Support Manager advised that the proposal is yet to be approved by Council.  The fee would be an annual fee and that neighbouring authorities were already charging.  The fee would be charged to individuals who were self-funding but not confident in procuring the services themselves.  Under the Social Care and Well-Being Act when the Local Authority is approached, people are entitled to have their placement commissioned through the Authority.  The Authority had agreed sustainable rates with providers however potentially the charges to service users could be more through the Authority than through commissioning directly with service providers.


Appendix F – Detailed Variances

·         Officers were asked how the Authority ensured that service users weren’t suffering due to the reduction in double handed care.

The Interim Head of Integrated Services advised that multi-disciplinary teams undertook assessments after discharge from hospital as it was found that when service users returned home their needs were different. If it was assessed that the same level of support was still required, then it would remain in place.  Advancement with new equipment had also contributed to the reduction of double handed care as often they could be used by one carer instead of two.  Reassurance was given that the care provided was not financially driven and was completely care driven.

The Group Accountant advised that all budget saving proposals suggested by Service Managers were professionally and legally compliant with care standards and go through a process of robust challenge to ensure that they are achievable.


RESOLVED that the report be received.

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