The Committee considered the Annual Monitoring Report 2019/21 on the Adopted Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan, presented by the Deputy Leader, with responsibility for the Planning Portfolio. It was noted that the report had been prepared in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the Local Development Plan (LDP) Regulations 2005. The 2004 Act required each Local Planning Authority to prepare an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) on its LDP following adoption and to keep all matters under review that were expected to affect the development of its area and incorporating information on those matters for submission to the Welsh Government, and publication on the Council’s website by 31st October each year following plan adoption. The current report covered an extended two year period reflecting the impact of Covid-19 and associated restrictions which had impacted upon the recording, availability and reporting of data
The Committee noted the Report would be developed as further evidence and data became available ahead of its submission to the Cabinet and Council for formal approval.
The following issues were raised on the report:-
· References were made to the impact current NRW regulations on the impact of phosphates on water quality together with Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) were having on development/regeneration not only within Carmarthenshire but Wales wide. Clarification was sought on what measures, if any, were being introduced to address their consequential detrimental impact on the construction industry.
The Committee was assured that discussions were being undertaken across Wales on these issues between local authorities, Welsh Government, Natural Resources Wales, Dwr Cymru and other interested parties to endeavour to identify a solution to the difficulties. A stakeholder meeting to discuss the phosphate issue is provisionally scheduled to be held on the 21st October 2021, and the Council would be advised in due course of any outcome which may be achieved. The council was also taking a pro-active role in identifying ways forward and solutions on the phosphate issue which included the development of a phosphate calculator and guidance on mitigation. An early resolution to both issues was deemed to be urgent due to their impact on the LDP, the determination of planning applications and regeneration within the county.
· Reference was made to the provision within the LDP for additional official gypsy and traveller sites within the county and to planning consents granted for small scale traveller sites in the countryside. Clarification was sought on the current position on the provision of another official traveller site in the county.
The Forward Planning Manager advised that two sites had been identified within the Llanelli area in the merging Revised LDP as response to the need highlighted in the Gypsy Traveller Assessment undertaken by the Council’s Housing Division. That reflected the area where there was a need for additional provision and the number of pitches that may be required, and that was reflected within the LDP. That assessment had been revised and was currently with the Welsh Government for its approval/assessment.
The Head of Homes and Safer Communities referred to the small-scale provision of traveller pitches and advised that if their numbers increased, it would impact on the current assessment on the level of future need. He confirmed there was a legal requirement on the council to provide gypsy and traveller sites and it was assessing future site requirements. However, as the identified need for the provision of additional pitches was in the Llanelli area, the Council was legally bound to identify sites within that area.
· Reference was made to the effect both Brexit and Covid were having on the increased cost of building materials for the construction industry and to what consideration, if any, had been given to the potential impact those increases could have on the level of provision of affordable homes.
The Forward Planning Manager advised that, whilst material costs were an important factor the department as part of the planning process assessed the viability of planning applications and information on development costs were taken into consideration as to the level of affordable housing that could be provided from any development. As those costs increased, any resulting request received from developers for a reduction in the level of provision would be scrutinised by the department and evidential evidence would be required to support any reduction.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan be approved for submission to the Welsh Government by the 31st October 2021
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