The Head of Revenues and Financial Compliance highlighted that the title on the agenda should read Carmarthenshire County Council’s Corporate Risk Register 2021/22.
The Committee received for consideration the Corporate Risk Register 2021/22 which was maintained to evaluate the Council’s exposure to key strategic risks.
The Committee noted that subsequent to its previous consideration, the following risk reference had been removed from the register:-
· CRR190047 - Ability to deal with the social, economic and operational impacts of the COVID 19 outbreak on the Division, Department and County and;
· CRR190059 - Meeting statutory planning delivery targets
With the addition of the following service risk associated with the impact of workforce planning and recruitment issues generally, as well as specific areas of recruitment particularly in relation to social workers, care staff and the lack of availability of domiciliary care.
The following observations/issues were raised on the report:-
· It was commented that the risk register received was easier to read and included more detail and that it was an improvement on previous reiterations of the register.
· Reference was made to risk CRR190006 – Ensuring effective people management. In acknowledging that many staff members were now working from home and the strong emphasis on well-being for staff, an update on the new appraisal process was requested. The Head of Revenues and Financial Compliance explained that a new appraisal approach system had recently been implemented. The new appraisal method had been transformed to support a more positive approach by including an improved narrative and encouraged conversation. In accordance with the request, the Committee accepted the offer to include an update on the Effective People Management Strategy on the Committee’s Forward Work Programme.
· In reference to the identified recruitment challenges, it was acknowledged that Hywel Dda University Health Board were recruiting independently, and concern was raised that this could be in direct competition with the Council. The Head of Revenues and Financial Compliance explained that the issues within social care was being managed and monitored through the provision of two meetings per week and comprised of a broad representation. The Head of Financial Services added that the meetings were part of the Gold Command structure affording the Council to work jointly with the Health Board to address common recruitment issues. In addition, assurance was provided in that the advertisements for both social and domiciliary care were being advertised on a continuous basis.
· Reference was made to risk CRR190006 – Deliver Effective Safeguarding Arrangements – Children. Strong concerns were expressed that the Corporate Parenting Panel had not met. It was asked why this was the case, particularly as the virtual means to meet was available. The Head of Revenues and Financial Compliance stated she would make enquiries and inform the Committee in due course.
· Reference was made to risk CRR190034 – Cyber Risk. It was asked when the contingency and continuity plans were tested last. The Head of Revenues and Financial Compliance stated that she would arrange for the Committee to receive further narrative on this matter by e-mail.
· In response to a query, the Head of Revenues and Financial Compliance explained that the risk associated with the current supply chain shortages and delivery was captured on the risk register, however the recent escalation of power failures and the increased costs was not included, and this would be considered at corporate management level.
5.1 Carmarthenshire County Council’s Corporate Risk Register 2021/22 be received;
5.2 an update on the progress of the Effective People Strategy be included on the Governance & Audit Committee’s Forward Work Programme.
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