Agenda item



The Committee considered the Education & Children’s Services Department’s 10 Year Strategy which brought together the department’s strategic thinking, collective vision, mission statements and priorities over the next 10 years.  The department’s new proposed vision was “Making sure every child and young person is valued and valued equally”.


The strategy builds on the improving practice which was already evident within the education service, in order to deliver the same opportunity for all learners with consistently excellent outcomes. It sets out a clear, shared vision for the role that education services plays in the future development of vibrant communities and a prosperous economy in Carmarthenshire. This high-level strategy will be operationalised through departmental and divisional plans and will also be evident in School Development Plans.


The Committee was asked to consider and comment upon the following issues and to formulate views thereon for submission to the Cabinet for consideration:-


1. Does the Strategy meet the aims as noted in the report?

2. Are the 20 Purpose Pieces relevant and do they reflect the County Council’s


3. Can the Strategy be improved in any way?


The following questions/observations were raised on the report:-


·         Asked how officers consulted with schools on the strategy, the Committee was informed that consultation was undertaken on two levels – three workshops were held with headteachers and consultation was also undertaken with secondary school councils;

·         Reference was made to the fact that over the next 10 years a significant cohort of children who have been affected by the pandemic will pass through the school system and the need to ensure that no children slip through the system was stressed.  The Director explained that Aspirations 2,4 and 5 within the strategy have been specifically written with that in mind.  Many of these high level aspirations have been written bearing in mind that we will be dealing with the repercussions of the pandemic for a long time;

·         Reference was made to the fact that the availability of staff with relevant experience and bilingual skills continues to be a challenge for the Authority.  With regard to the 10 Year Strategy and the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan, officers were asked how the Authority is going to address these issues i.e. how will we recruit all the staff with necessary language skills and how will we retain those staff.  The Director explained that beneath these strategies sit the departmental business plans which contain the details in relation to how we support the strategies.  Lots of staff have engaged in online learning during the pandemic and teaching still remains an attractive occupation with a high number currently undertaking teacher training;

·         Asked how the strategy will be linked to measurements which can be monitored such as KPIs and timescales, the Director explained that officers are currently in discussion regarding the best way to measure progress on the 20 high level aspirations;

·         With regard to aspiration 3, reference was made to the fact that we need to ensure that children have the right skills to succeed in particular entrepreneurship and innovation.  With regard to aspiration 18, the importance of the role of parents and carers was stressed as it was felt that schools need supportive parents and parents need supportive schools;

·         If WG is serious about reaching 1m Welsh speakers then the next 10 years are going to be instrumental in that, officers were asked if there will be specific targets in place in relation to the number of children being taught in Welsh streams etc.  The Director explained that the WG has set targets for each Local Authority and for Carmarthen the target is that 68%-74% of children in Year 1 will be taught through the medium of Welsh by the end of the WESP.  The figure is currently 58% and we have to respond to that challenge. 




5.1       that the report be received;

5.2       that reference to parents and carers be included in Aspiration 18         within the strategy;

5.3       that the observations made above be relayed to the Cabinet for            consideration.


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