Agenda item



The Committee considered a report providing an overview of the extensive ways in which the Education and Children’s Services Department is supporting our schools, pupil referral units and specialist settings with regard to the wellbeing of learners and staff.


The department is continuing to work alongside schools responding to the changing needs of learners, families and staff, as it continues to address the COVID pandemic.  The wellbeing challenges faces by schools are increasingly pronounced and complex, adding additional pressures on staffing.


The report detailed:-


-       what is known about current staff and pupil wellbeing;

-       how the School Improvement Team supports the wellbeing of its staff and learners;

-       further support initiatives;

-       education and Child Psychology Service and Emotional Health Team;

-       corporate and other support available.


The report also included an update on CO2 monitoring and ventilation in schools and what measures are being undertaken to ensure good ventilation to aid in the prevention of the spread of Covid.


The following questions/observations were raised on the report:-


  • In response to a question as to whether there was any identifiable pattern in the data collected, the Committee was informed that there was no pattern as such, however, families from more disadvantaged backgrounds are perhaps facing more challenges.  It was important to note that different challenges are arising in different areas as the challenges are changing over time;
  • Asked how Peer to Peer Networks work, the Committee was informed that this is a group forum where headteachers come together to share concerns and experiences.  Additionally, if any headteacher requires further assistance then that is arranged and there is also signposting to support available from external organisations;
  • Concern was expressed at the increase in suicide ideation and attempts and the fact that due to waiting lists it can take up to 3 weeks before a counsellor can be seen and officers were asked if extra safeguards are put in place if the risk is high.  Members were reassured that if a significant need is identified at the beginning of counselling then those children are fast-tracked.  When any pupil displays concerns, schools are robustly supported immediately by both the education psychologists and safeguarding teams.  Direct support is provided both for the young person and their family;
  • Officers were asked about the level of increase.  The Committee was informed that 58 cases of suicide or suicide ideation were referred for counselling in 2020/21 which was an increase from 38 in the previous year. This was quite a considerable increase but it was also the national picture;
  • Reference was made to the significant unprecedented pressure placed upon parents during the pandemic with regard to home schooling and other associated issues and reference was made to the fact that the report did not refer to parental engagement i.e. helping parents to help their children.  The Committee was informed that many schools engaged in the Health & Happiness Programme at the beginning of the pandemic which addressed some issues involved such as routines etc. Also, a pilot Family Engagement Project was currently being undertaken to further extend some of the support offered to families. The Director pointed out that where children are concerned, there is a crossover between Education and Children’s Services so Family Support Services contribute to this agenda as well. Many children will be supported by both departments;
  • Reference was made to the added pressure placed on headteachers with regard to consultations and it was felt that this was unnecessary at the moment, given the amount of pressure already on staff.  The Committee was informed that consultation on strategies e.g. the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan is a statutory requirement and the Authority is obligated to consult and report back to the WG by the end of January; 
  • With regard to our special schools, officers were asked if they succeeded to keep in close contact with Social Services, physiotherapy and other agencies during the pandemic   Also, did these children have more open air teaching experiences?  The Committee was informed that, in line with all the risk assessments, multi-agency working has continued for all learners within all our specialist settings.  The leaders have been really creative in their thinking to ensure that learners are accessing the range of learning and support that they need.  Regular  communication with families to make sure that even during blended learning times, when learners were not able to be in class, rigorous support was in place.  Even in the most challenging of situations leaders have been very innovative in the way they have dealt with the most vulnerable learners to ensure that that provision does continue.  We heavily endorse outdoor learning for all our learners and some of the projects introduced focussed on getting learners outside, even whilst learning from home, by engaging with parents;
  • Concern was expressed over the amount of pressure being placed on headteachers throughout the pandemic and now with the new variant and more pressure and responsibility being placed on headteachers, officers were asked if they were satisfied that adequate support was being provided with regard to transmission of the disease and health and safety.  The Director informed the Committee that officers are well aware of the challenges headteachers are facing, via regular contact.  Officers produced a Risk Assessment using a corporate template and assistance was provided with completing these.  The Health & Safety team have also been in regular contact with schools. He pointed out that it was important to remember the health and wellbeing of officers who have been working non stop throughout the pandemic, being constantly on-call.  The cohort of headteachers and officers have worked very well together; it has been a team effort which has worked and continues to work effectively;
  • Reference was made to school closure proposals and officers were asked if any support is provided for children in this regard.  The Committee was informed that a myriad of different anxieties are being displayed by children at the moment because of how much the world has changed.  Officers are robust in supporting schools with any concerns being displayed whether it be in relation to a change in education provision within the area, climate change etc.  Staff are considering the wellbeing of children from many different angles and this intelligence is fed through to officers so that they can cater the support accordingly and lessen the pressure;
  • Reference was made to staffing problems being experienced in schools in that there are not enough staff available to prepare food at lunchtime.  The Committee was informed that there have been staffing challenges throughout the pandemic mainly due to staff awaiting PCR results etc. Some work is being done around supply staff, the issue has been raised with the WG and some work is being done with Supply Agencies in an attempt to increase the bank of supply staff;
  • Concern was expressed with regard to areas of poor ventilation in some schools where CO2 readings are consistently amber or red and officers were asked how many schools are affected.  The Committee was informed that monitors have been distributed to schools and they have been asked to identify rooms which are consistently amber or red.  As soon as those results are received officers will consult with colleagues in Property Services to try and address the poor ventilation in those areas with portable ventilation systems or whatever is needed;  
  • Members noted the tremendous amount of support available to pupils, teachers and headteachers.




4.1       that the report be received;

4.2       that the Committee receive regular updates on the situation       regarding ventilation in our schools. 





Supporting documents: