Agenda item



The Committee considered a report which provided an overview of how the Education and Children’s Services Department is delivering preventative support for families across our county. The report detailed the challenges facing the preventative services and how these are being addressed.  The report also referenced the emerging needs of families, demands on services from a family support/preventative service perspective.


The following questions/observations were raised on the report:-


  • Concern was expressed over the fact that different data collection systems are used throughout the Authority and officers were asked what is preventing all services from using the same system.  The Head of Children’s Services informed the Committee that the Authority is trying to move towards achieving this, however, it was a difficult and complex task because each service has specific data collection requirements;
  • Concern was expressed over the impact of Flying Start on the Child Care Offer as access to assistance is based on the individual’s post code and officers were asked if the Child Care Offer could be extended to include all children within the ward.  The Head of Children’s Services explained that in all circumstances officers make every effort not to split communities, however, officers were restricted in what they are able to do in terms of outreach because of the terms of the grant.  The Director referred to the recent extension by the WG of the Child Care Offer to all 2 year olds and officers were currently working with officials on the extension of that initiative.  The Head of Children’s Services assured the Committee that no impact was anticipated on Flying Start;
  • Reference was made to the impact of the covid pandemic on staff and the resultant tired workforce and officers were asked if there were many staff off work in the division.  The Head of Children’s Services advised that the pandemic has had an impact and staff were currently dealing with some very complex situations and the health and wellbeing of staff was paramount.  He pointed out that one of the main problems was the inability to fill vacant posts.  He stressed that the pressure on the service cannot be underestimated.  He added that they were fortunate to have great staff who do an amazing job;
  • Reference was made to the 20% reduction in referrals and officers were asked if, consequently, they anticipated a large increase in the number of referrals going forward.  The Head of Children’s Services explained that the inability to meet with families due to covid inevitably led to that reduction and as officers are now able to undertake visits he was confident that we will see the rates rise again.  Families desperately need that support and once they know that it is available again they will take advantage of it;
  • Asked how many referrals come from schools and how many come from families, the Director explained that the data contained in the report relates specifically to Families First.  The Head of Children’s Services added that a lot of referrals from Teams Around the Family (TAF) come from schools, however, they are not always recorded in that way.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the report be received.


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