Agenda item



[NOTE: Cllr E. Schiavone having earlier declared an interest in this item remained in the meeting for its consideration].


The Committee received for consideration a report which set out the collaborative arrangements for the establishment of ‘PARTNERIAETH’, a regional consortium designed to promote excellence, and which served the schools within Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Swansea. 


The Committee thereupon received a presentation from the Lead Officer of PARTNERIAETH, which detailed the staffing structure, priorities, functions and funding mechanisms required to deliver its aims and objectives.  It was highlighted that the regional consortium was based on a vision of a partnership working on behalf of the respective Local Authorities and which contributed to the improvement in the performance of the schools within the consortium and the education of children and young people.   Committee’s attention was drawn to the business plan for 2022/23, which demonstrated how PARTNERIAETH would support each Local Authority priorities, facilitated by dedicated Senior Strategic Advisors and which was also aligned to National priorities.


A number of observations and queries were addressed, as follows:


A concern was raised that the new regional consortiummay have a limited positive impact on schools and therefore would not improve upon the performance of the previous ‘ERW’ regime, particularly in light of the reduced staffing structure which equated to 26.8 full-time posts. 

Assurances was provided to the Committee that the PARTNERIAETH consortiumfocussed upon a cohesive partnership approach, with strong lines of communication and performance monitoring to address the needs of schools.  As an example, a leadership programme was being developed in accordance with the Authority’s priority area in respect of leadership skills.


In response to a query, the Lead Officer for PARTNERIAETH clarified that regular scrutiny would be undertaken to monitor and review the delivery of the consortium’saims and objectives.  An emphasis was placed on collaboration as a key area of strength, whereby the system was developed and structured on a partnership basis.


Reference was made to the staffing structure whereby a member queried whether further resource was required to deliver a high-quality level of support akin to the sterling service provided by the Challenge Advisors.  The Director of Education and Children's Services confirmed that the staffing structure was deemed appropriate to meet the aims and objectives of the consortium and would be periodically reviewed in accordance with succession planning protocols to ensure that the skillset of employees addressed support requirements. 


In response to concerns raised regarding duplication of work, it was explained that co-construction, with clear lines of communication, was a key priority, which would enable the utilisation of identified skillsets within the consortium to provide an improved provision to schools.


A member highlighted that the differing priorities across the Authorities within the consortiumcould potentially lead to some Authorities drawing upon more resources and support than others and enquired how this imbalance would be redressed.  The Director of Education and Children's Services recognised that pressures from different areas would emerge at different times, however it was emphasised that regular and clear communication would be maintained at Director level to ensure that resources were deployed to meet the needs of the consortia, with a scrutiny function to ensure that an equal share of services was utilised amongst partners. It was also highlighted to members that PARTNERIAETH was a smaller entity with robust management processes to ensure that additional requests from external Authorities would not be accepted if they were deemed to be to the detriment of the consortia.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the report be received.  

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