Agenda item



Further to minute 8.1 of the meeting held on the 16th July 2021, the Committee considered a schools budget report which provided an update on the Authority’s end of financial year position for primary, secondary and special schools within Carmarthenshire.  Comparable figures were also provided for 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21.  The Committee recognised that significant additional grant funding had been made available to schools by the Welsh Government during the coronavirus pandemic, which had resulted in a positive impact upon several school budgets for the current and forthcoming financial year.


The issues/observations raised by the Committee were addressed as follows:-


·       Members queried the impact of grant funding, in comparison with the provision of Local Authority support, to address the budgetary position of school deficits.  The Head of Education and Inclusion Services confirmed that the grant funding made available since 2020 had enabled schools to stabilise their budgets, however it was recognised that the provision may not be available on a long-term basis.  A synopsis of the array of ongoing support mechanisms offered to schools was provided to Members which comprised enhanced analysis and scrutiny of school budgets and regular discussions with Headteachers, Business Managers and School Governors in respect of financial accountability.  Furthermore, it was reported that successful awareness raising initiatives driven by the Section 151 Officer had resulted in the delegation of budget monitoring to School Improvement Officers, with clear expectations that areas of concern are reported to the Authority in a timely manner.


·       Concerns were raised regarding the variability of the school balances and budgetary position across schools and it was queried whether special intervention measures were available to the Authority, if required.   The Head of Education and Inclusion Services provided an assurance to the Committee that as a result of the support mechanisms provided by the Authority, all schools now had an enhanced awareness of budget planning and expenditure requirements. It was confirmed that no schools were currently placed within special measures and Estyn liaised with the Authority as part of the School Inspection Programme.


·       Reference was made to the general funding formula for schools which had been reviewed to address the pressures identified by schools, particularly those in rural areas with lower pupil numbers.  The Committee’s gratitude was extended to the Authority in respect of the additional support provided which had been gratefully received by the schools.  The Head of Education and Inclusion Services confirmed that the arrangements put in place to assist schools were resource intensive.  In this regard, the Committee was informed that the Modernising Education Programme (MEP) was a focus area for the Authority and would be considered further in the Autumn of 2022.


·       In response to a request by the Committee, it was agreed that a review be undertaken in 6 months, with an update report to be submitted for consideration by the Education and Children Scrutiny Committee.





The current position regarding school budgets in primary, secondary and special schools be noted.




A review of the position regarding school budgets in primary, secondary and special schools be reviewed in 6 months’ time, and an update report be submitted for consideration by the Education and Children Scrutiny Committee.


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